Frequently Asked Questions

Letter of Guarantee (LOG)
  • Q:What is a Letter of Guarantee (LOG) and when can I use it?


    Hospitals will sometimes require a deposit when your maid is to be hospitalized. As part of your foreign maid insurance’s hospital and surgical expenses coverage, Income can provide a Letter of Guarantee, subject to the policy conditions, so that you do not need to place the cash deposit.

  • Q:At which medical institutions is the LOG applicable to?


    LOG is only applicable to the following Singapore public hospitals:

    • Alexandra Hospital
    • Changi General Hospital
    • Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
    • KK Women's and Children's Hospital
    • National University Hospital
    • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
    • Singapore General Hospital
    • Tan Tock Seng Hospital
  • Q:Where and when do I request for LOG?


    To enjoy greater convenience during admission, you can request the LOG from the Admission Office at the hospital within 7 days before admission. The LOG will be generated the next working day. For assistance, please contact Income at 6788 1777 from Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am to 6.30pm.

  • Q:Can I request for the LOG after my maid has been admitted?


    Yes, you can request the LOG from the Admission Office at the hospital. The LOG will be generated the next working day. For assistance, please contact Income at 6788 1777 from Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am to 6.30pm.

  • Q:What is the LOG limit?


    The limit for the LOG will be up to $10,000 and will be reduced when you have a previous claim in the same policy year. If you require an LOG for more than $10,000, please contact Income at 6788 1777. All requests will be subject to assessment.

  • Q:If the LOG is presented, do I still need to pay a deposit to the hospital?


    If the hospital deposit exceeds the LOG amount, the hospital may ask you for partial payment of the deposit. Hospitals also have the right to request for payments as required by their internal practices even if the LOG is presented.

  • Q:Can I use the LOG for outpatient treatments?


    No, LOG does not apply to outpatient treatments. It is only applicable to hospitalisation & surgery (inpatient) treatments.

  • Q:Does obtaining the LOG mean that my claim is approved and payable?


    No, the issuance of the LOG does not mean that Income approves or admits any claim made or any claim amount payable (if at all) under the Foreign Maid insurance policy. The claim will still be subject to claim assessment by Income.

  • Q:Do I still need to submit a claim form?


    Yes, you will need to complete and submit the Foreign Maid insurance claim form and the relevant supporting documents to Income. Upon receipt of the documents, the claim will be assessed. If the claim is approved, Income will make payment of the LOG amount to the hospital directly. If the claim is partially approved or rejected, you will have to make prompt payment to the hospital for any outstanding amount.

Personal accident & accidental medical expenses
  • Q:If my maid died as a result of an accident while on home leave, can I make a claim under my Foreign Maid Insurance Policy?


    Yes, you can. The Foreign Maid Policy provides 24-hour worldwide accident coverage. The sum insured is $40,000 for Death, $2,000 for Accident Medical Expenses and $2,000 special grant.

  • Q:If I bring my maid for a routine medical health screening, can I make a claim under my Foreign Maid Insurance policy?


    No, the expenses are not claimable. The Foreign Maid Policy covers outpatient medical expenses due to injury and hospitalisation expenses due to injury or sickness.

  • Q:If my maid accidentally sprained her ankle and I brought her to a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner to seek treatment, is this claimable?


    Yes, the medical expenses incurred are claimable as long as the TCM practitioners are registered and possessed valid practising certificates.

    View list of registered TCM practitioners

Hospital & surgical expenses / wages compensation
  • Q:If my maid is required to go for day surgery, can I make a claim for the expenses incurred under Hospital & Surgical Expenses?


    Yes, you can make a claim under Hospital & Surgical Expenses. This is provided that the day surgery is recommended by a medical practitioner in writing and is a result of Injury, sickness or disease covered under the policy. Please note that if the day surgery is performed in a Singapore private hospital, we will reduce the amount payable by multiplying the pro ration factor against the expenses being claimed.

  • Q:If my maid is admitted to hospital for emergency surgery due to a pregnancy-related condition, can I claim for the hospital bill?


    No, you will not be able to claim for such hospital bills as our Foreign Maid Insurance policy excludes any claim resulting from pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Q:If my maid is hospitalised, can I claim for wages compensation?


    You can claim for the pro-rated wages (including government levy on foreign domestic workers) for a period of up to 30 days. This is provided the hospitalisation claim is payable under the policy as well.

Sending your foreign maid home
  • Q:If my maid died of bodily injuries or sickness and I need to send her body back to her country, are the repatriation expenses covered?


    Yes, you can make a claim for transport expenses (air, sea or land travel) needed to send your maid’s body back to her home country in the event of her death subject to the limit stated in the policy contract.