Frequently Asked Questions


  • Q:Who can purchase i-MediCare?


    Companies or associations can purchase i-MediCare for their employees or members to take care of their inpatient and outpatient medical needs.

  • Q:Who can be insured?


    You can insure all your full-time employees or members of your association and their dependants. In the case of insuring your employees, they need to be on the payroll of a Singapore registered company.

  • Q:Should coverage be on a compulsory basis?


    Yes, the cover should be compulsory for all employees within the same job category (e.g. All Executives) or members (e.g. All Committee Members) under the same category. If the policy is extended to cover dependants, all eligible dependants of employees within the same job category or members under the same category should be covered.

  • Q:What is the period of insurance?


    The period of insurance is one year from the date of commencement or as stated in the policy contract.

Product Coverage
  • Q:What are the coverage available for me to insure my employees/members?


    The Inpatient Care benefit is available as a standalone plan, with the option of adding coverage for outpatient expenses. The Company can choose to add Outpatient (Primary and Specialist) Care benefit or just Outpatient (Primary) Care benefit.

  • Q:Can i-MediCare cover my employees/members for the cost of their vaccinations, health screenings and routine check-ups?


    No, costs of vaccinations, health screenings and routine check-ups are not covered under i-MediCare.

Application & Renewal
  • Q:Is policy renewal guaranteed?


    No, it is subject to yearly review.

  • Q:Are the premium rates, terms and conditions guaranteed?


    No, the premium rates, terms and conditions are not guaranteed. Income reserves the right to review and change the premium rates, terms and conditions from time to time if there is a substantial change in the risks or at each renewal.