Frequently Asked Questions

PA Secure

Application and Procedures
  • Q:What is the age limit if I wish to apply for this policy?


    The age limit is 65 years old based on last birthday. For children age 15 days old to 15 years old, parents/guardian must be the proposer.

    You can be insured as a child under this policy if you are:

    • under 18 years of age; or

    • under 25 years of age, unmarried and not on full-time employment; and are primarily dependent on the policyholder for maintenance and support. For example, full-time students or national servicemen.

  • Q:If I am a foreigner or Singapore Permanent Resident (PR), can I purchase this policy?


    Yes, you can purchase this policy as long as you are a Singapore PR or hold a valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass or Student Pass.

  • Q:Who can be covered under a Family?


    You can cover yourself and/or your spouse, as well as unlimited number of your dependent children who are:

    • under 18 years of age; or
    • under 25 years of age, unmarried and not on full-time employment; and are primarily dependent on the policyholder for maintenance and support. For example, full-time students or national servicemen.
  • Q:If I change my mind after taking up this insurance, can I cancel it?


    Yes, you can cancel this plan by notifying us via email at or call us at 6788 1777. The cancellation will take effect from the date we receive your request.

    For cancellation after the 14-day free look period, we will work out and refund the premium as follows if no claim has been made under this policy.

    (Period of Insurance (in days)  still left to run)/(Original period of insurance of the policy)  x 85% of the premium paid

    We will not refund any premium below $37.80 @ 8% GST from 2023, $38.15 @ 9% from 2024.

Product Coverage
  • Q:Does this policy cover me during my reservist training?


    Yes, you will be covered during your reservist training without any additional premium. You will be covered for any accident during your reservist training if it is undertaken as peacetime military training.

  • Q:Does this policy cover me while I am overseas?


    Yes, you will be covered while you are overseas for a period of 180 days from the day of departure from Singapore only. You will not be covered from the 181th day onwards till your return to Singapore.

  • Q:Does this policy cover against food poisoning?


    Yes, you are covered for bodily injury, and even death, resulting from food poisoning.

  • Q:Does this policy cover motorcycling risk?


    Yes, you are covered against bodily injury and death while riding a motorcycle as a rider or a pillion rider at no additional premium. This is provided that you are not engaging in or practicing for racing and hill climbing contests, reliability trials and speed or duration testing.

  • Q:If Country A is declared as experiencing a pandemic infection by the World Health Organization (WHO) and I need to travel there for business, will my cover against infectious diseases still be effective?


    No, your infectious diseases cover under this policy will temporarily exclude Country A from the date of announcement by WHO till this classification is lifted. However, the remaining cover in your policy will continue.

  • Q:Does this policy cover a new infectious disease that is detected?


    No, you will only be covered for the infectious diseases mentioned in your policy contract.

  • Q:If I am infected with an infectious disease even before World Health Organization (WHO) issues the declaration of a pandemic situation, am I covered under this policy?


    Yes, you are covered since WHO or Singapore health authorities have yet to declare it as a pandemic situation. This is provided that the infectious disease is one of those covered in your policy contract.

  • Q:If I suspect that I have contracted an infectious disease and need to undergo diagnostic procedures and tests, will this policy cover me for the costs of the diagnostic procedures and tests?


    This policy will cover you for the costs of diagnostic procedures and tests recommended or asked for by a medical practitioner for you to be treated provided that you are confirmed to be suffering from an infectious disease and if we are also paying you for the medical expenses for the infectious disease cover under section 3.

Optional Benefit: Child and student care expenses
  • Q:Who can be covered under the Child and student care expenses optional benefit?


    Any insured child that is currently enrolled in a Singapore registered childcare centre or student care centre can be covered under this optional benefit.

  • Q:If I opted for the Child and student care expenses optional benefit for my child, can I claim for the fees incurred by my child if he/she is hospitalised for 7 days due to an injury and unable to attend childcare?


    Yes, if your child is hospitalised for 4 days or more due to an injury or a covered infectious disease and is unable to attend child care or student care, we will pay for the fees incurred by your child during the period of hospitalisation.

    For example, if the monthly childcare fees (after deducting any form of subsidies) is $600 a month, and your insured child is hospitalised for 7 days out of 20 school days due to a covered infectious disease, we will pro-rate the childcare fees and pay $210. 

  • Q:If I opted for the Child and student care expenses optional benefit for my child, can I claim for the fees incurred by my child if he/she is confined at home for more than 5 days due to a covered infectious disease?


    Yes, if your child is confined at home for more than five days under written medical advice by a medical practitioner and is unable to attend childcare or student care, we will pay for the fees incurred by your child during the period of confinement.

    For example, if the monthly childcare fees (after deducting any form of subsidies) is $600 a month, and your insured child is confined at home for 7 days out of 20 school days due to a covered infectious disease, we will pro-rate the childcare fees and pay $210.

Optional Benefit: Event and staycay expenses
  • Q:Can I claim for a $20 movie ticket that I had bought for myself under the optional benefit – Event and staycay expenses if I am hospitalised and unable to attend the movie?


    No, claims for covered event tickets must be at least $50.

  • Q:If the concert ticket was bought for me but not paid by me, can I claim under the optional benefit – Event and staycay expenses if I am hospitalised and unable to attend the concert?


    If you are not the payor of the ticket, you will need to show reasonable evidence that there was prior arrangement for you to attend the event.

  • Q:I have bought 4 tickets for my entire family (who is insured under a PA Secure policy) to attend a concert. My husband was hospitalized on the day of the concert, and the entire family did not attend the concert. Can I claim for the concert tickets for my entire family?


    We will only cover the non-refundable deposit or ticket fees incurred by the insured person who is hospitalized, in this case your husband.