NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 10. Investment in associated companies (continued) Reconciliation of summarised financial information Reconciliation of summarised financial information presented to the carrying amount of the Group’s interest in the associated company, is as follows: FFMC Holdings Pte Ltd As at 30 November 2018 $’000 Net assets At 12 March 2018 (date of acquisition) 22,519 Profit for the period 9,107 Other comprehensive income (108) Dividends paid / declared – Issuance of additional share capital 15,600 At 30 November 2018 47,118 Interest in associated company (2018: 49%, 2017: 0%) 23,087 Goodwill 4,582 Intangibles 105,245 Carrying value of the Group’s interest 132,914 2018 $’000 2017 $’000 NTUC Choice Homes Co-operative Ltd 119,019 117,673 FFMC Holdings Pte Ltd 132,914 – Total carrying value of the Group’s interest 251,933 117,673 104 HAND IN HAND