NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 11. Other financial assets 2018 Life Insurance Par Fund $’000 Life Insurance Non-Par Fund $’000 Investment- Linked Fund $’000 General Insurance Fund $’000 Share holders’ Fund $’000 Total $’000 Investments designated at fair value through profit or loss Quoted Equities 4,103,813 88,834 648,069 – 70,263 4,910,979 Funds 951,996 200,917 1,024,741 138,488 44,169 2,360,311 Debt securities 17,275,866 3,889,441 429,267 965,981 – 22,560,555 Total investments designated at fair value through profit or loss 22,331,675 4,179,192 2,102,077 1,104,469 114,432 29,831,845 Available-for-sale investments Quoted Equities – – – – 73,398 73,398 Funds – – – – 96,501 96,501 Debt securities – – – – 630,041 630,041 Unquoted Equities 40,018 – – – 3,224 43,242 Funds 1,559,058 44,035 – 221,517 110,862 1,935,472 Total available-for-sale investments 1,599,076 44,035 – 221,517 914,026 2,778,654 Total investments 23,930,751 4,223,227 2,102,077 1,325,986 1,028,458 32,610,499 Debt Securities To be settled within 12 months 1,213,909 39,921 29,062 282,679 19,968 1,585,539 To be settled after 12 months 16,061,957 3,849,520 400,205 683,302 610,073 21,605,057 17,275,866 3,889,441 429,267 965,981 630,041 23,190,596 Equities and Funds No maturity date 6,654,885 333,786 1,672,810 360,005 398,417 9,419,903 Total 23,930,751 4,223,227 2,102,077 1,325,986 1,028,458 32,610,499 105 2018 ANNUAL REPORT