NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 11. Other financial assets (continued) 2017 Life Insurance Par Fund $’000 Life Insurance Non-Par Fund $’000 Investment- Linked Fund $’000 General Insurance Fund $’000 Share holders’ Fund $’000 Total $’000 Investments designated at fair value through profit or loss Quoted Equities 4,006,630 – 701,885 2 64,492 4,773,009 Funds 1,205,058 1,106 944,790 176,879 103,952 2,431,785 Debt securities 16,809,338 3,995,601 447,323 992,328 11,837 22,256,427 Total investments designated at fair value through profit or loss 22,021,026 3,996,707 2,093,998 1,169,209 180,281 29,461,221 Available-for-sale investments Quoted Equities – – – – 85,380 85,380 Funds – – – – 63,866 63,866 Debt securities – – – – 678,160 678,160 Unquoted Equities 38,282 – – – 3,256 41,538 Funds 1,469,334 1,460 – 182,036 93,412 1,746,242 Total available-for-sale investments 1,507,616 1,460 – 182,036 924,074 2,615,186 Total investments 23,528,642 3,998,167 2,093,998 1,351,245 1,104,355 32,076,407 Debt Securities To be settled within 12 months 2,227,574 138,020 40,246 350,345 34,644 2,790,829 To be settled after 12 months 14,581,764 3,857,581 407,077 641,983 655,353 20,143,758 16,809,338 3,995,601 447,323 992,328 689,997 22,934,587 Equities and Funds No maturity date 6,719,304 2,566 1,646,675 358,917 414,358 9,141,820 Total 23,528,642 3,998,167 2,093,998 1,351,245 1,104,355 32,076,407 Of the total debt securities, 93% (2017: 93%) represents investments in fixed rate instruments . 106 HAND IN HAND