NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 12. Investment in funds (continued) 2017 % of the Investment in Funds Fair value $’000 Industry focus Diversified financials 63% 2,645,326 Energy 1% 51,148 Real estate 36% 1,526,715 Telecommunication services * 1,534 Industrials * 13,545 Utilities * 770 Materials * 2,855 100% 4,241,893 Geographic region Asia Pacific 35% 1,496,400 Australia 2% 66,812 Europe 14% 598,155 North America 36% 1,527,192 Others 13% 553,334 100% 4,241,893 * less than 1% 13. Loans 2018 Life Insurance Par Fund $’000 Life Insurance Non-Par Fund $’000 Investment- Linked Fund $’000 General Insurance Fund $’000 Share holders’ Fund $’000 Total $’000 Term loan to joint venture – unsecured 81,251 – – – – 81,251 Consumer loans 21,710 – – 34 – 21,744 Loans on policies 589,540 53 – – – 589,593 Impairment loss (40) – – (34) – (74) 692,461 53 – – – 692,514 To be settled within 12 months 677,975 53 – – – 678,028 To be settled after 12 months 14,486 – – – – 14,486 692,461 53 – – – 692,514 108 HAND IN HAND