NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 14. Derivative financial instruments (continued) Financial assets subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements: 2017 Gross amounts of recognised financial assets $’000 Gross amounts of recognised financial liabilities set-off in the statement of financial position $’000 Net amounts of financial assets presented in the statement of financial position $’000 Related amounts not set-off in the statement of financial position Net amount $’000 Financial Instruments $’000 Cash collateral $’000 Life Insurance Par Fund Derivatives 123,814 – 123,814 1,182 27,353 95,279 Life Insurance Non-Par Fund Derivatives 11,847 – 11,847 2,261 6,099 3,487 Investment-Linked Fund Derivatives 1,091 – 1,091 – – 1,091 General Insurance Fund Derivatives 3,708 – 3,708 – 1,201 2,507 Shareholders’ Fund Derivatives 7,471 – 7,471 – 2,682 4,789 Financial liabilities subject to offsetting, enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements: 2017 Gross amounts of recognised financial liabilities $’000 Gross amounts of recognised financial assets set-off in the statement of financial position $’000 Net amounts of financial liabilities presented in the statement of financial position $’000 Related amounts not set-off in the statement of financial position Net amount $’000 Financial Instruments $’000 Cash collateral $’000 Life Insurance Par Fund Derivatives 75,020 – 75,020 13,557 942 60,521 Life Insurance Non-Par Fund Derivatives 141 – 141 – – 141 Investment-Linked Fund Derivatives 412 – 412 – – 412 General Insurance Fund Derivatives 80 – 80 91 – (11) Shareholders’ Fund Derivatives 2,283 – 2,283 – 564 1,719 113 2018 ANNUAL REPORT