NTUC Income AR 2018

Notes to the Financial Statements For the Financial Year Ended 31 December 2018 4. Management of insurance and financial risks (continued) (c) Financial risk (continued) (ii) Credit risk Credit risk is the risk arising from the uncertainty of an obligor’s ability to fulfil its contractual obligations to the Group. The risk gives rise to financial losses as a result of default of an obligor or deterioration in its credit quality. The obligors include security issuers, derivatives transactional counterparties, policyholders, reinsurers, brokers and other intermediaries such as exchange / clearing houses. Credit risk management is incorporated in the management of the Group’s investments and business activities, and entails credit quality controls, credit risk limits and active monitoring of exposures against these limits with ongoing effort to manage breaches or deviations. The Risk Management Committee approves and reviews on a regular basis the credit risk management framework including the limits and methodology, and provides oversight of credit risk taken by the Group to ensure it is consistent with the investment and business strategies approved by the Board. Evaluation of an issuer’s or counterparty’s credit risk is undertaken by credit origination business units. Monitoring of credit and concentration risk is carried out by Risk Management. Overall investment limits monitoring is put in place at various levels to ensure that all investment activities are aligned with the Group’s risk management principles and philosophies. The loans in the portfolio are generally unsecured. Evaluation and monitoring of credit risk arising from such loans is undertaken by the Investment Department. The carrying amount of past due or impaired corporate loans on 31 December 2018 is nil (2017: nil). The consumer loan portfolio as at 31 December 2018 amounts to $22 million, net of impairment (2017: $23 million). This is made up of secured and unsecured loans of which about 99% (2017: 99%) are secured loans. For the management of credit risk of secured consumer loans, the Group regularly performs a valuation exercise to derive the fair value of the collaterals. The purpose of this exercise is to monitor the Loan to Valuation Ratio. For some loans, the Group may repossess the collateral when the loan defaults. The Group’s credit policy to monitor the default risk on unsecured loans is to engage an external agent to regularly inform the Group if any of the borrowers are currently facing legal actions by other creditors. 80 HAND IN HAND