NTUC Income AR 2019

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 4. MANAGEMENT OF INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL RISKS (CONTINUED) (c) Financial risk (continued) (i) Market risk (continued) (b) Interest rate risk The Group is exposed to interest rate risk primarily through investments in fixed income securities by the insurance funds and policy liabilities in those funds which are guaranteed. The presence of interest rate risk is the result of not holding assets that match policy liabilities fully. The interest rate risk arising from asset-liability tenure mismatch is actively managed and monitored by the Investment Committee. Interest rate risk are managed by the Group on an ongoing basis with the primary objective of limiting the extent to which solvency can be affected by an adverse movement in interest rates. The Group reduces interest rate risk through the close matching of assets and guaranteed liabilities of insurance funds. In this respect, the Group is able to use derivative instruments, including interest rate and cross currency swaps, to manage interest rate risk with the aim of facilitating efficient portfolio management. The long duration of policy liabilities in the insurance funds and the uncertainty of the cash flows of the said funds mean interest rate risk cannot be completely eliminated, except to match guarantees as much as possible. The Group’s approach is to extend the duration of assets to better match the duration of liabilities. This is achieved by allocating assets to long-dated bonds. The entire fixed income portfolio is consolidated into a single pool to be matched in principle against the minimum condition liability of the Par Fund, allowing greater investment flexibility. The remaining liabilities are backed by equities, fixed income securities, loans and investment properties with a view to maximise long term returns subject to acceptable volatility in market value. Shareholders’ fund has exposure to fixed income investments, which will be subject to mark-to-market valuation. ANNUAL REPORT 2019 81