1. /killed-orangeaid-old-(2023)/initiatives/facilitator-training/alumni-gives-back
  2. /killed-orangeaid-old-(2023)/initiatives/facilitator-training/alumni-gives-back


Facilitator Training

Alumni Gives Back

The Facilitator Training programme was inspired by feedback from past FDP beneficiaries who expressed a desire to give back to the FDP.

By offering facilitator training, Income OrangeAid aims to groom past and current FDP beneficiaries, who are interested to explore a career as a trainer and equip them with the necessary skill-set, while they earn a small stipend when they return to support their peers at FDP workshops. The programme has trained more than 20 awardees who will support the FDP financial literacy and career development workshops as assistant facilitators tagged to workshop trainers.

Selva Raju, a third year student from Temasek Polytechnic said that he joined the FDP Alumni initiative as a facilitator trainee as he had wanted to share his experience with fellow beneficiaries. “It’s my way of giving back. I have benefitted from the FDP financial literacy training and is now able to better  prioritise my spending and manage my finances.“
Apart from being able to impart his knowledge to his peers, Selva aims to be part of a strong support-system to help other youth-in-need. “As a facilitator trainee, I’m now more confident in public speaking and small-group facilitation,” Selva added.