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Social Media and Your Personal Brand

#FutureSpeak by Andrea Chong

More businesses are resorting to digital advertising and social media as a solution to reach out to the masses.

Increasingly, recruiters are also going online to recruit and conduct background checks on potential hires via their online social profiles. Such emerging trends are calling for new areas of focus for our youths as they strive to be future-ready.

Based on student's interest to stay on-top of trends by learning from personal interactions with exemplary professionals in the field, Income OrangeAid invited social media influencer and popular blogger behind @dreachong, Andrea Chong to speak at its inaugural Income OrangeAid Future Speak Seminar for youth on 21 April 2018.


Titled “The Best You“, the seminar focused on how social media can better one’s personal branding, and how social media can act as a good portfolio for anyone pursuing a career in the media and/ or creative industry.

Andrea will be the first coach for Income OrangeAid's newest coaching programme under its recently-launched Alumni initiative.

Having successfully paved her own career for herself now, Andrea aims to share industry knowledge and be an inspiration for students whom may not have had much exposure and opportunities in securing a career of their interest.

During the seminar, Andrea also spoke about the importance of portraying oneself the best way and being professional on social media. Posting content on subjects and topics that you like and identify with, as well as what you do with your free time and your hobbies are examples of some ways youth can start to build a personal brand on social media.

As a teenager, Andrea did odd jobs and faced issues during her time in school.

“Digital advertising and social media marketing has grown in prominence and is a focus of many companies and marketers today. It is no surprise that youths are interested in such careers. What this means is that such job opportunities are growing and for those embarking on these roles, it’s challenging and exciting times ahead. I look forward to sharing my journey and experience in building my personal brand online and in running a media company. It’s surely not all glamorous and nice, I assure you!”, said Andrea.

Students who attended felt they now have a better understanding on how to work on building their personal brand. They also felt the session was interesting and engaging and during a Q&A segment, posed Andrea questions like “What are your struggles when you first started?“; and “How do you approach potential clients/ partners to invest in your brand?” More stayed behind after the seminar to speak chat longer and take pictures with Andrea.