Support Singapore Families
We leaned into our understanding of Singaporeans’ resilience levels through the Singapore Resilience Study findings, and we want to do more in supporting Singaporean’s well-being, especially our caregivers.
This includes the Income Family Micro-Insurance Scheme (IFMIS), which is a premium-free insurance that provides low-income caregivers with a peace of mind in time of need.

Enable seniors to age well
One in four adults in Singapore will be over the age of 65 and an estimated 83,000 seniors will live alone by 20301.
Income Insurance is committed to help our seniors age well and lead more independent and active lives. One of the ways in which we do this is through our contribution to the Health for Life Fund.

Invest in our shared future
As part of our investment in a shared future, we are contributing to a climate-resilient future by advocating Singaporeans to adopt a sustainable lifestyle and advocate for practices that minimizes our collective negative impact on the environment.
Our tentpole event on this front is the Income Eco Run, which supports Singapore’s vision to become a Zero Waste Nation.