Preserve your family’s heritage and safeguard your loved ones, with just a single premium.
Apply NowBe protected against death and terminal illness with a high minimum protection value[1][2] of up to 320% of the sum assured till age 85[1].
Remain secure with a guaranteed cash value of 80% of your single premium[3] from the day your policy starts.
Enjoy a complimentary one-time medical concierge service[4] when your application has a minimum protection value of $3 million.
Enjoy bonuses[5] based on the performance of the Life Participating Fund.
How Provenance Solitaire safeguards your heritage
William has $2.5 million in cash and he wishes to leave an inheritance to his wife and two children.
He buys Provenance Solitaire with a single premium of $528,570 and sum assured of $630,000.
He enjoys a minimum protection value1,2 of $2,016,000 (based on 320% of the sum assured).
His remaining $1,971,430 could be set aside for retirement, or to purchase a retirement plan.
If William passes away, his nominated beneficiaries (wife and two children) would get a death benefit of $2,016,0001,2.
If William passes away at age 86, his nominated beneficiaries (wife and two children) would receive a death benefit¹,² of $2,115,5603.
The figures used are for illustrative purposes only and are rounded to the nearest dollar.
The illustrated death benefit above is not guaranteed and is based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 4.25% p.a.
Should the long-term average return be 3.00% p.a., the illustrated death benefit¹,² at age 86 would be $1,213,1624 instead.
1 During the term of this policy, if the insured becomes terminally ill or dies, before the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age of 85, 100% of sum assured and 100% of bonuses or minimum protection value of the basic policy, whichever is higher will be paid. The minimum protection value of the basic policy depends on the age of the insured at policy entry date (age last birthday), and it is up to 320% of the sum assured. Minimum protection value means a percentage of the sum assured shown in the policy schedule. If the insured becomes terminally ill or dies, on or after the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age of 85, 100% of sum assured and 100% of bonuses will be paid. Bonus rates are not guaranteed and will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
2 Provenance Solitaire includes a non-participating compulsory rider, Provenance Solitaire – Protection Benefit. This rider pays part of the minimum protection value. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.
3 The figures in the illustration are not guaranteed and are illustrated based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 4.25% per annum in the future. Returns are illustrated based on estimated bonus rates that are not guaranteed. The actual benefit payable will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
4 The figures in the illustration are not guaranteed and are illustrated based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 3.00% per annum in the future. Returns are illustrated based on estimated bonus rates that are not guaranteed. The actual benefit payable will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
How Provenance Solitaire helps with asset equalisation of a business
Richard has an IT business worth $10 million and a few million in cash. He has two children; his elder son is helping him with his business while his younger daughter has no interest in running the business.
He buys Provenance Solitaire with a sum assured of $4,000,000.
He enjoys a minimum protection value1,2 of $10,000,000 (based on 250% of the sum assured) and pays a single premium of $3,960,000.
He leaves the IT business entirely to his son.
If Richard passes away, his daughter, the nominated beneficiary would get a death benefit1,2 of $11,965,9923.
The figures used are for illustrative purposes only and are rounded to the nearest dollar.
The illustrated death benefit above is not guaranteed and is based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 4.25% p.a.
Should the long-term average return be 3.00% p.a., the illustrated death benefit at age 90 would be $7,127,0814 instead.
1 During the term of this policy, if the insured becomes terminally ill or dies, before the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age of 85, 100% of sum assured and 100% of bonuses or minimum protection value of the basic policy, whichever is higher will be paid. The minimum protection value of the basic policy depends on the age of the insured at policy entry date (age last birthday), and it is up to 320% of the sum assured. Minimum protection value means a percentage of the sum assured shown in the policy schedule. If the insured becomes terminally ill or dies, on or after the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age of 85, 100% of sum assured and 100% of bonuses will be paid. Bonus rates are not guaranteed and will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
2 Provenance Solitaire includes a non-participating compulsory rider, Provenance Solitaire – Protection Benefit. This rider pays part of the minimum protection value. Please refer to the policy conditions for further details.
3 The figures in the illustration are not guaranteed and are illustrated based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 4.25% per annum in the future. Returns are illustrated based on estimated bonus rates that are not guaranteed. The actual benefit payable will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
4 The figures in the illustration are not guaranteed and are illustrated based on the assumption that the Life Participating Fund earns a long-term average return of 3.00% per annum in the future. Returns are illustrated based on estimated bonus rates that are not guaranteed. The actual benefit payable will vary according to the future performance of the Life Participating Fund.
We pay 100% of the rider’s sum assured and corresponding pro-rated bonuses of the basic policy or 100% of the rider’s minimum protection value[1][2], whichever is higher, if the insured becomes totally and permanently disabled (TPD before the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age 70) during the term of this rider[6].
There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this plan will not be payable. You can refer to your policy contract for the precise terms, conditions and exclusions of the plan. The policy contract will be issued when your application is accepted.
This is for general information only. You can find the usual terms and conditions of this plan in the policy conditions. All our products are developed to benefit our customers but not all may be suitable for your specific needs. If you are unsure if this plan is suitable for you, we strongly encourage you to speak to a qualified insurance advisor. Otherwise, you may end up buying a plan that does not meet your expectations or needs. As a result, you may not be able to afford the premiums or get the insurance protection you want. Buying a life insurance plan is a long-term commitment on your part. If you cancel your plan prematurely, the cash value you receive may be zero or less than the premiums you have paid for the plan.
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Income Insurance or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC web-sites ( or or
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Information is correct as at 18 February 2025.
Minimun entry age (last birthday) | Maximum entry age (last birthday) | |
Insured | 0 | 75 |
Policyholder | 16^ | N.A. |
^Minimum age of policyholder is age 16 (last birthday). Parents cannot take up policies on the lives of their children who are 18 years old (age last birthday) and above.
You need to make a single premium payment for a minimum sum assured of $250,000. The maximum sum assured is subject to underwriting.
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Provenance Solitaire is a single premium whole life insurance plan that includes Provenance Solitaire – Protection Benefit, a single premium compulsory rider. This plan provides protection against death and terminal illness during the policy term. There is a minimum protection value of up to 320% for the insured till age 85.
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