Type of Claims | Number | Amount (S$) |
Death | 115 | 6,944,360 |
Critical illness | 93 | 4,0853,68 |
Permanent & total disability | 6 | 936,204 |
Total | 214 | $11,965,932 |
Claims Exceeding $100,000
No. | Type | Age | Cause | Amount (S$) |
1 | Death | 36 | Heart Attack | 761,072 |
2 | Death | 45 | Accident | 1,001,842 |
3 | Death | 46 | Cancer | 153,356 |
4 | Death | 47 | Suicide | 104,000 |
5 | Death | 54 | Cancer | 201,395 |
6 | Death | 56 | Cancer | 207,600 |
7 | Death | 56 | Others, Unknown | 115,966 |
8 | Death | 58 | Cancer | 406,584 |
9 | Death | 61 | Heart Attack | 114,928 |
10 | Death | 65 | Suicide | 178,730 |
11 | Death | 66 | Cancer | 179,149 |
12 | Death | 67 | Cancer | 836,369 |
13 | Death | 68 | Chronic Lung Disease | 501,967 |
14 | Death | 72 | Cancer | 150,000 |
15 | Death | 73 | Chronic Lung Disease | 102,270 |
16 | Critical illness | 41 | Heart Attack | 267,245 |
17 | Critical illness | 44 | Heart Attack | 125,000 |
18 | Critical illness | 46 | Benign Brain Tumour | 152,227 |
19 | Critical illness | 52 | Cancer | 121,330 |
20 | Critical illness | 53 | Cancer | 120,514 |
21 | Critical illness | 56 | Cancer | 136,629 |
22 | Critical illness | 58 | Cancer | 118,570 |
23 | Critical illness | 59 | Cancer | 106,413 |
24 | Critical illness | 60 | Cancer | 172,118 |
25 | Critical illness | 61 | Cancer | 101,729 |
26 | Critical illness | 64 | Cancer | 104,900 |
27 | Critical illness | 76 | Kidney Failure | 102,806 |
28 | TPD | 41 | PTD due to other medical condition besides Stroke | 230,000 |
29 | TPD | 52 | PTD due to Terminal Illness | 580,002 |
30 | TPD | 58 | PTD due to Terminal Illness | 100,000 |
Total | $7,554,711 |