Safeguard your ride with affordable and comprehensive coverage, plus exclusive value-added services.

Additional benefits for your Motorcycle Insurance.

Here’s how Motorcycle Insurance protects you.

CoverageAmount you are covered for (Maximum benefit limit)
Loss or damage to your vehicle from accidental causes or by fire or theftMarket value at the time of loss or damage
Damage to third party property$500,000
Death of or bodily injury to third partyUnlimited
Towing service$50
Personal accident benefitUp to $1,000

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Your queries answered.

NCD is a way of rewarding you for being a safe driver. The following table shows how the NCD is determined by most insurers in the industry.

Number of accident-free yearsPercentage of NCD awarded to Commercial Vehicle / Motorcycle
One year10%
Two consecutive years15%
Three consecutive years20%

Your NCD is tied to you (the policyholder) and can only be applied to one vehicle at one time. If you own more than one vehicle, you may decide which vehicle to apply your NCD.

For example:

  • If you sell your existing vehicle and buy another one, you can transfer the NCD from the existing vehicle to the newly purchased vehicle.
  • If you retain your existing vehicle and buy another one, you can choose to transfer the NCD from the existing vehicle to the newly purchased vehicle. Your existing vehicle will have to earn the NCD from 0%. Alternatively, you can choose to keep the NCD with your existing vehicle and start earning the NCD for the newly purchased vehicle.

Please refer to the table below.

Vehicle TypeCurrent NCDNCD after one claim
Commercial Vehicle / Motorcycle20% and below0%

You will need to liaise with your previous insurer, and get them to update the GIA records. Please inform us once this is done.

We will verify with your previous insurer and adjust the NCD accordingly.

If you declare a higher NCD, you will need to pay us the difference in premium.

If you declare a lower NCD, we will refund you the difference in premium.

We may repudiate liability for the accident in view of a breach in policy conditions.

Your NCD will be further reduced by one level on top of any NCD reduction resulting from the claim made under your motorcycle insurance policy. See table below.

Percentage of NCD penalised for Commercial Vehicle / Motorcycle
Existing NCD After penalty reduction
20% 15%
15% 10%
10% 0%

You can choose to have a private settlement with the other party if it is a minor accident and there is no injury to any party. When opting for private settlement, please ensure both parties duly complete and sign the private settlement form. Alternatively, you can opt to reimburse the claim amount that we have settled. Either options will allow you to retain your NCD for the next policy renewal.

Your NCD will remain valid for 24 months from the end date of your last policy.

No, NCD is not transferrable to another person except to your spouse provided your spouse is taking a new motorcycle insurance policy with Income. This is a one-time transfer and is non reversible. After the transfer, the NCD for your existing motorcycle insurance policy will become 0%. Please email your request for NCD transfer to or you can reach out to your intermediary. Income reserves the rights to review this exception from time to time.

Yes, NCD is transferrable to your Primary rider provided he / she is taking the new motorcycle insurance policy with Income.

This is a one-time transfer and is non reversible. After the transfer, the NCD for your existing motorcycle insurance policy will become 0%. Please email your request for NCD transfer to or you can reach out to your intermediary.

You need to provide the original letter from your motor insurer in your home country to us. The letter should state the number of accident-free years whilst you were insured with them.

We will review and decide to accept / reject / grant the appropriate percentage of NCD. The maximum NCD we will grant is 20% for motorcycles and commercial vehicles.

No, NCD is not transferable between different entities.

Yes. You can withdraw the NCD while your policy is still in force, subject to no claims made under your motorcycle insurance policy. You need to top up the difference in premium due to the NCD withdrawal.

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