Here are some key features of our product:

Choose the right plan for your business.

Renovation Contractor Suite

Service Contractor Suite

Small Construction Suite

You may view the full product coverage here.

Here’s how Contractor Suite insurance protects your business

Duration of coverage

Up to 12 Month Contract Period plus up to 12 Months Defects Liability Period / Maintenance Period

Limits of coverage

Contract Value / Contract Works Limit Up to $1,500,000
Removal of Debris Limit 5% of Contact Value / Contract Works Limit
Professional Fees Limit 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works Limit
Principal’s Existing Properties Value Limit Up to $1,000,000
Third-Party Liability Limit Up to $5,000,000

Section 1 Limits / Excess
Automatic Reinstatement Not Applicable
Cost of Recompiling Records and Claims Preparation 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works or $100,000 whichever is lower
Cover for Insured works taken over or put into service Not Applicable
Designer's Risk (Resultant Damage Only) Not Applicable
Employees Personal Effects and Tools $500 per employee and $10,000 in the aggregate
Escalation Clause 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works
Extra Charges for Airfreight 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, or $100,000 whichever is lower
Extra Charges for Overtime, Night Work, Work on Public Holidays & Express Freight 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, or $100,000 whichever is lower
Free Issue Materials 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, or $100,000 whichever is lower
Inland Transit 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, or $100,000 whichever is lower Any One Conveyance / Aggregate
Loss Payee Where Applicable
Marine 50/50 Not Applicable
Offsite Fabrication/Temporary Storage 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, or $100,000 whichever is lower Any One Location / Aggregate
Payment on Account Not Applicable
Plans and Documents Maximum limit of $10,000
Principal's Existing Property As specified in the Policy Schedule
Professional Fees 10% of Contract Value / Contract Works, Max $150,000
Public Authorities Not Applicable
Removal of Debris 5% of Contract Value / Contract Works, Max $75,000
Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion Not Applicable
Temporary Works Not Applicable
Time Adjustment (72 Hours) Not Applicable

Section 2 Limits / Excess
Consultant’s, Principal’s representative and Government and Statutory Board Employees are deemed as third parties Not Applicable
Cross Liability including Waiver of Subrogation against Named Insured/Principal Not Applicable
Loading & Unloading Not Applicable
Non Negligence (RIBA) Third Party Limit of Liability as specified in the Policy Schedule or S$1,000,000 whichever is lesser, Any One Accident / Aggregate
Non Owned Vehicles Private Vehicles Only
Plant and Machinery Not Applicable
Underground Services Third Party Limit of Liability as specified in the Policy Schedule or S$1,000,000 whichever is lesser, Any One Accident / Aggregate
Vibration, Removal and Weakening of Support Third Party Limit of Liability as specified in the Policy Schedule or S$1,000,000 whichever is lesser, Any One Accident / Aggregate

Section 1 and 2 Limits / Excess
Automatic Extension (30 Days) Subject to Additional Premium
Cessation of Work (30 Days) Not Applicable
Extended Maintenance Clause Where Applicable
Jurisdiction Clause Not Applicable
MR112 Fire Fighting Facilities Not Applicable

Enjoy more benefits with our insurance.

Your queries answered.

Income Contractor Suite Insurance offers comprehensive protection and coverage against material damage to the works and legal liability to third parties during construction/engineering works.

Income has 3 Contractor Suite products to best suit your scope of works:

Renovation Contractor Suite provides coverage for interior renovation, reinstatement and rehabilitation works. 

Service Contractor Suite is targeted at works involving maintenance and servicing for:

i) Air-Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation Works (ACMV)

ii) Plumbing Works 

iii) Equipment (Including Electronic Equipment) 

iv) Plant & Machinery 

v) Other Service Contract Works (Subject to underwriting referral)

 Income Small Construction Suite includes protection for small projects such as:

i) Event / Staging Setup Works

ii) Additions & Alterations Works

iii) Other Small Contract Works (Subject to underwriting referral)

Engineering works are generally high risk in nature and our Contractor Suite Insurance provides protection from losses due to accidental damage or third party liability claims in connection with the works.

 You will also be required by most Principals to provide Third Party Liability coverage and our Contractor Suite products allow for a Limit of Liability of $5,000,000 Any one Accident and Unlimited in the Aggregate. 

Section 1 - Material Damage

Provides coverage for any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause, other than those specifically excluded, in a manner necessitating repair or replacement to the contract works. 


Section 2 - Third Party Liability 

Indemnity against sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay as damages consequent upon:

i) accidental bodily injury to or illness of third parties (whether fatal or not) 

ii) accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties occurring in direct connection with the construction or erection of the items insured under Section 1

For Section 1, you should insure the full contract value amount stated in your Letter of Award / Purchase Order.

For Section 2, you can reference your contract documents or check with the Principal for the Third Party Limit of Liability they require you to insure.

Our Income Contractor Suite Insurance is available to be purchased online via here

Yes, you can enjoy the following discount with your purchase of Income Contractor Suite Insurance:

10% discount if no Defects Liability / Maintenance Period is Involved (Minimum Premium still applies) 

PayNow or Credit Card via our online portal

Yes, you can make changes to the policy online directly on our BIX portal via or you may contact us here for assistance.

You may also raise your request through your intermediary if you have purchased through them. 

Additional Premiums may apply.

You can cancel the insurance any time before the commencement date of the Policy for a full refund.

For policies which have already commenced, the policies are normally non-cancellable. If there are special circumstances, you can raise the cancellation request directly on our online BIX portal via or contact us you may contact us here for assistance.

You may also raise your request through your intermediary if you have purchased through them.

All employees are covered under the Work Injury Compensation Act regardless of salary levels, with some exemptions. 

Work Injury Compensation Insurance is compulsory for all manual employees and non-manual employees earning less than $2,100 a month. 

 You can approach your intermediary for more details or write directly to us at

Apply for Contractor Suite.


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