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As of 19 Dec 2024

Fees & Charges
Pay with Cash, SRS
Premium charge Please refer to “Fees and Charges” Section of the Product Summary for ILP.
Annual management fee 1.60% p.a.

The Annual Management Fee is not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. However, it shall not exceed 2.0% p.a. of the sub-fund balance at any point of time.

About the fund

Launch date 23 January 2024
Investment objective To provide long-term capital growth and income by investing primarily in dividend-yielding equity securities of emerging market companies globally.
Investment scope The sub-fund intends to achieve this objective by investing all or substantially all of its assets in the JPMorgan Funds – Emerging Markets Dividend Fund A (mth) – SGD (Hedged) (“underlying fund”). The underlying fund aims to provide income and long-term capital growth by investing primarily in dividend-yielding equities of companies that are domiciled or carrying out the main part of their economic activity in an emerging market country. The underlying fund may be invested in smaller companies; and may use derivatives instruments for hedging or efficient portfolio management. The sub-fund is denominated in Singapore Dollars.
Fund manager Income Insurance Limited
Manager of the underlying fund JPMorgan Asset Management (Europe) S.à.r.l.
CPFIS risk classification N.A.
Inclusion in CPFIS N.A.
Structure Single Fund. The units in the sub-fund are not classified as Excluded Investment Products
Benchmark MSCI Emerging Markets Index (Total Return Net) USD Cross Hedged to SGD

Key downloads 

Outlines the objective, scope, and approach of the sub-fund with comprehensive details on other key aspects. 

Download fund summary

Covers key features, terms and risks, and fees and charges of the sub-fund.

Download product highlight sheet
