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As of 15 Jul 2024

Fees & Charges
Pay with Cash, SRS
Premium charge N.A. Money Market Fund is only available for sub-fund switching.
Annual management fee 0.25% p.a.*

*Not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. However, it shall not exceed 2.0% of the sub-fund balance at any point in time.

About the fund

Fund type Specialised Fund
Launch date 1 May 2006
Investment objective To achieve a return that is better than short-term cash deposits while maintaining liquidity and security of capital.
Investment scope This sub-fund invests mainly in good quality money market instruments and short-term bonds which include bank deposits, government and statutory board securities, certificates of deposit and corporate bonds. Non-SGD denominated investments, if any, will be hedged to SGD. The sub-fund may be suitable for investors seeking for yield enhancement to their SGD deposit. Do note that the purchase of a unit in the money market fund is not the same as placing funds on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking financial institution. The sub-fund is denominated in Singapore Dollars.
Fund manager Income Insurance Limited
Sub-investment managers

Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd

CPFIS risk classification N.A.
Inclusion in CPFIS N.A.
Structure Single fund
Benchmark Singapore 3-month Interbank Bid Rate

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