• Act of god/convulsion of nature
  • Automatic additions, deletions & promotions
  • Disappearance including disappearance resulting from an act of god or convulsion of nature. (Limit: 365 days)
  • Comatose state benefit (50% of Death benefit as an additional pay out; refer to Table 1)
  • Drowning, suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes, gas
  • Domestic and nursing assistance expenses (Limit: S$1,000)
  • Double indemnity for Death or Permanent and Total/Partial Disability whilst on a public conveyance or due to a natural catastrophe
  • Exposure
  • Food poisoning
  • Hijack
  • Murder and assault
  • Motorcycling
  • Strike, riots and civil commotion
  • Terrorism including losses caused by terrorist attacks by nuclear, chemical and/or biological substances
  • Trauma counselling, psychiatric and psychological treatment fees (Limit: $1,000)
  • Injury, illness, disease or death resulting from complications or related to attacks by venomous or disease transmitting insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea creatures and animals.
  • Competitive Sports and Activities of Higher Risks
  • Illness, disease or Death from the contracting of pandemic or communicable diseases or viruses, including but not limited to Avian flu, MERS, SARS, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Malaria, Chikungunya, Zika, HFMD and other similar or related diseases or viruses due to and arising from exposure in the insured’s school premises or during any school-related activity, whether in Singapore or elsewhere.
  • Claims arising directly or indirectly or in consequence of invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, acts of terrorism, civil war, civil unrest, civil commotion, strike, riot, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, military coup or other usurpation of power, confiscation, detention, nationalization, requisition, martial law or state of siege or any events or causes which result in the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege.


Table 1: Comatose State Benefit Schedule

Duration of Comatose Schedule of Benefits
At least 3 months 25% of Comatose state benefit
At least 6 months 50% of Comatose state benefit
At least 9 months 75% of Comatose state benefit
At least 12 months 100% of Comatose state benefit