A) Primary care benefit: Consultation, prescribed medication, basic diagnostic tests, x-rays and procedures.
- Panel doctor $5 co-payment per visit
- Non-panel doctor Reimburse up to $10 per visit, subject to maximum 3 visits per policy year.
- Specialised investigations Co-payment of 10%
B) Specialist care benefit: Consultation, prescribed medication, basic diagnostic tests, x-rays and procedures referred by our panel doctors only, up to $500 per policy year.
- Specialist Outpatient Clinic at restructured hospitals
(Visit must be referred by panel doctors)
$15 co-payment per visit ^
- Panel private specialists
(Visit must be referred by panel doctor)
$15 co-payment per visit, reimburse up to $100 per visit^
- Specialised investigations Co-payment of 10 %
^ applicable to all specialist care benefit, except those listed under section (D) below which are governed by the surgical limits table below.
C) Emergency (for Singapore hospitals and clinics only):
- Restructured hospitals $10 co-payment per visit
- Private hospitals and clinics $10 co-payment per visit, reimburse up to $70 per visit
D) Hospital Care Co-payment 10% of total hospital bill, subject to plan limits stated in hospitalisation compensation limits below.