Finance Matters

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Health & Well-being , Finance Matters

How Future Planning Helps Your Mental Health in the Present

Overwhelmed by financial stress? Learn how planning a safety net for retirement, health, & your loved ones' futures can improve your mental well-being.

by Victor Yeo
  • Jul 09, 2024
  • 1 mins
Financial Planning Financial Planning Mental Wellness Mental Wellness
Health & Well-being , Finance Matters

Guide to Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis Costs and Health Insurance

Learn to manage rheumatoid arthritis costs with surgery breakdowns, health insurance options and money-saving tips for you or your loved ones.

by Angelina Foong
  • Jul 09, 2024
  • 1 mins
Elderly Care Elderly Care Insurance for Seniors Insurance for Seniors
Finance Matters

Is My Money Working Hard Enough?

Should you leave your money in the bank? Or make it work harder somewhere else? We break it down.

by Lauren Dado
  • Jun 24, 2024
  • 5 mins
Saving Up Saving Up
Finance Matters

Let’s Talk About Life Insurance in Your 20s

You may think that it is too early to get life insurance when in your 20s. Let’s debunk some of those myths, shall we?

by Ewen Boey
  • Jun 20, 2024
  • 1 mins
Adulting Adulting Financial Planning Financial Planning
Finance Matters

Financial Planning 101: What’s A Protection Gap & What To Do About It

We break down how to figure out your protection gap and how to plug it here. 

by Joanne Poh
  • Jun 04, 2024
  • 4 mins
Insurance Insurance
Finance Matters

Upgrading from HDB to Condo: A First-Timer’s Guide to Owning Private Property in Singapore

Thinking of upgrading from HDB to a condo? There are a lot of factors and costs to consider and here’s a guide for you!

by Susan Lau
  • May 02, 2024
  • 8 mins
Housing Housing
Finance Matters

6 Ways to Let Your Money Work for You to Maximise Your Retirement Fund

Discover 6 ways to boost your retirement fund and enjoy financial stability in your golden years. Let’s find out how your money can work harder for you to maximise your…

by Ewen Boey
  • Mar 20, 2024
  • 1 mins
Financial Planning Financial Planning Retirement Planning Retirement Planning
Finance Matters , Family

Securing Your Child’s Educational Future: A Guide On How To Start

Not sure how to start saving up for your child’s education? Don’t worry! Let us help you get started and ensure you know what to prioritise to remain financially secure.

by Ewen Boey
  • Feb 23, 2024
  • 5 mins
Budgeting Budgeting Education Education
Finance Matters

Tax Reliefs in Singapore: 6 Ways to Reduce Your Personal Income Tax

Discover tax savings in Singapore with our guide on tax reliefs. From Parent Relief to Life Insurance Relief, learn how to reduce your taxes effectively.

by Irene A
  • Feb 13, 2024
  • 13 mins
Adulting Adulting Taxes Taxes
Finance Matters

How To Pay Income Tax in Singapore: What You Need to Know

Filing your income tax in Singapore doesn’t have to be so difficult. Read our comprehensive guide to help you navigate the annual tax season challenges.

by Shu Rin Hoe
  • Jan 26, 2024
  • 10 mins
Adulting Adulting Taxes Taxes
Finance Matters

How an Investment-linked Plan Can Bring Your Financial Dreams to Life

For young adults looking for different wealth-building solutions, investment-linked plans are worth exploring. Let's get started.

by Ewen Boey
  • Jan 19, 2024
  • 8 mins
Adulting Adulting Financial Planning Financial Planning
Finance Matters

Guide to buying a BTO flat in Singapore: Eligibility, How to Apply & Timeline (2024)

Here’s how to apply for a BTO flat, from BTO eligibility requirements to the latest BTO launches.

by Joanne Poh
  • Jan 12, 2024
  • 12 mins
BTO BTO Home & Decor Home & Decor