Family Finances Pregnancy & Babies

How Much Will Pregnancy and Baby Delivery Cost Expecting Parents in Singapore? (2024)

byFitri Handa Yani
  • Jan 05, 2024
  • 13 mins

Raising a baby, especially in Singapore, is not an easy feat. From the time you decide to have a baby, you need to be ready for the bills, as there are many costs involved in bringing a child into the world. 

In fact, there are many factors you need to take into consideration, including the delivery cost and the pregnancy cost Singapore has. In this article, we will uncover the delivery cost Singapore has as well as pregnancy costs, and how you can better manage your delivery finances to have a less stressful pregnancy.

There is a distinct difference in the cost for prenatal checkups in government hospitals and private hospitals. 

As a future parent, you’ll need to budget for the following costs:

Pre-pregnancy and preconception costs

As a young couple entering the next phase of your family life, it’s completely natural to talk about having a child. 

The first thing you’d want to do is to understand if your body is in prime condition to bear a child, and this is where a pre-pregnancy check up comes in. At the suggestion of your doctor, one or more of these tests would help to see if you’re physically capable of getting pregnant:

Type of Test Purpose
Ultrasound womb scan Identify abnormalities which could limit your pregnancy chances
Pelvic Examination Check for sexually transmitted diseases or infections
Urine Test Infection check
Rh Test To see if you or your partner have a Rhesus factor, as it could cause your blood to be incompatible with your baby. If this happens, additional precautionary steps are crucial for the pregnancy
Pap Smear For a clearer understanding of your endocervical canal’s health
Blood Test

Identify if there is a potential for thalassemia, which could affect your baby and bring up the need for blood transfusion. 

Also helps check for Hepatitis, genetic diseases, rubella, diabetes, etc.

Sperm Analysis (optional) To determine sperm count and if there are any other related abnormalities
Vaccination Records (existing) To see the immunity levels you have against Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, chicken pox, rubella, etc.

Your doctor would also want to ask if you or your partner have:

  • underlying health conditions (either due to your current health or family health history)
  • if there has been substance, alcohol or smoking history in the past or present
  • if you have undergone any major medical procedures or taken medication for the past few months
  • The regularity of your menstrual cycle

The price of a pre-pregnancy check up in Singapore runs from S$40 (pap smear) to S$1,600 (prenatal genetic tests) and runs on two factors:

  • Your choice of visiting a government hospital, a private hospital or even a specialist clinic
  • Type and number of tests you and your partner undergo

Pre-pregnancy checkups are not a necessity, but are a better pregnancy pathway for patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hyperthyroidism, diabetes or other pre-existing health conditions. Your doctor would be able to give you pregnancy planning advice in this instance, which starts from the get-go of your pregnancy journey. The doctor can also then identify the right course of action in handling complications, should they arise.

Moving on to the next phase, pre-natal check ups.

Now, you might already know that gestational months and trimesters help identify how far along you are in a pregnancy. How much would you need to pay during these check ups?

First Trimester: Conception to 12 weeks

The first trimester is one that needs close observation, as chances of complications (and even miscarriages) are higher. Once you’ve gotten positive test results from your home pregnancy kit, you’d naturally want to see a doctor to reaffirm the same.

During this timeframe, it’s best to engage with a specific gynaecologist who can monitor your health and your fetus’s too. 

Now, getting down to costs. You may need to pay up to S$147 per doctor’s visit, non-inclusive of pregnancy supplements. If all is going well for you, expect to have at least one gynaecologist checkup every month.

You could go to a government hospital for your checks as a Singapore Citizen, but you’ll have to take note that there is no fixed doctor attending to you at every visit. However, the rates for these visits are subsidised.

According to Moneysmart, the price of a subsidised visit ranges from S$30 - S$56. 

An extra tip for soon-to-be parents - Marriage and Parenthood Schemes have a MediSave Maternity Package, which covers pre-delivery medical expenses too, irrespective of whether you’re visiting a private or government hospital. 

You can withdraw up to S$900 for these expenses, which include ultrasounds and consultation fees. All you’ll have to do is provide the pre-delivery medical care bills to the hospital your baby was born in. The hospital will then undertake the next steps, which is to submit the bills to the CPF board for you, inclusive of your delivery bills.

A cap applies to the sum of the Medisave usable for this purpose. It follows the amount of the actual bill or the withdrawal limit (whichever is lower).

The Medical Maternity Package also covers:

  • Additional surgical withdrawal limit (S$750-S$2,600) dependent on the delivery procedure type
  • Up to S$550 a day for the first 2 days of admission, and thereafter S$400 from the 3rd day onwards for hospital stays

Second and third trimester: 13 weeks to 40 weeks

When you’ve entered week 13, you’ve stepped into the mid-path of your pregnancy journey. You would still continue to have monthly visits with your gynaecologist, but if need be, it could change towards the end of the trimester into a fortnightly affair.

At this point, you could sign up for a prenatal package, which would cover not only the usual ultrasounds and supplements but also additional scans and tests. According to Moneysmart, the prices of these packages vary once again on whether you go for the subsidised, government hospital option at a S$400-S$800 range to up to S$2,000 for personalised, private hospital care.

By committing to a pregnancy package, you’re essentially locking in your intention to stick to your current gynaecologist. If you feel like switching to another doctor, this would be the right time to do so!

Fetal abnormality tests in Singapore are available at almost every hospital. In the table below, you’ll find the information pertaining to the types of tests, what they detect and how much they could cost you.

Test name Purpose Cost, sample type and timeframe for results
OSCAR test (One-stop Clinic for Assessment of Risk for Fetal Abnormalities)

Identifies fetal abnormalities (especially Down’s Syndrome).

Tests include a Nuchal Translucency(NT) scan (which shows genetic diseases as well as chromosome disorders) and a blood test. Can expand into further invasive testing - Chrionic villus sampling or Amniocentesis

Between S$300 to S$400

Requires sample blood from mother and also an ultrasound scan

Results could take up between 2-3 days.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Identifying gestational diabetes, as pregnant women who develop this form of diabetes have a bigger risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.


Requires overnight fasting and two blood tests, one taken after the fasting period and another after ingesting 75g of glucose and is done after 2 hours of the glucose drink.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (Harmony and Panorama Tests)

Detects Down Syndrome by using the mother’s blood to get the baby’s DNA sample with a high accuracy rate

NIPT test Singapore price costs at around S$1,200 for a Harmony Test and about S$1,400 for Panorama tests.

Requires mother’s blood sample

Results can take up to 2 weeks

Harmony test: Week 10 onwards

Panorama test: Week 9 onwards

Detailed foetal anomaly scan Checks for structural abnormalities within the foetus, including facial clefts, heart structure abnormalities, and also takes a look at baby’s spine, etc

About S$280

Requires a fetus ultrasound

Done within Week 18-21

Dating scan Checks if you have more than one fetus, abnormality of baby’s bone’s an organs, identifies pregnancy stage and due date

Cost depends on your doctor

Done in Week 6-12

3D/3D Scans

You can get either a 3-dimensional view of your baby in the womb, or get a 4D video of it. More for memories than medical-related!


Ultrasound scan

Other tests your doctor may check during your pregnancy include:

Test type Purpose Treatment
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) test This bacteria could affect the baby as it goes through a vaginal delivery via the birth canal A vaginal swab at around 35 weeks is done to identify, and if the mother is GBS positive, antibiotics are necessary.
Cardiotocograph (CTG) Test during labour to monitor baby’s heartbeat and also intensity and frequency of contraction Could be done at the 3rd pregnancy trimester to monitor baby’s wellbeing

Source: Mount Elizabeth Hospitals

Three factors determine the delivery cost Singapore has, and these are:

  • Procedure type (Vaginal or Caesarean)
  • Ward type
  • Length of stay

Most of the time, the procedure of delivery is not by choice. Pamela Lau, 26, commented, “As my baby was not at an ideal position (feet-first rather than head-first) for vaginal delivery, my doctor advised me to opt for Caesarean when it was near my delivery date.” Though choosing natural birth is a cheaper option, not all women are able to deliver naturally and must undergo the Caesarean process. 

Knowing the delivery various procedures early will help you to save cost. How much to give birth in Singapore is the question you’re looking for an answer for.

The Ministry of Health’s website shows a range of prices you can expect from government and private hospitals in terms of delivery.

Public hospital delivery fees Singapore

In the table below, we include the benchmarks and bill amount for patients who went through uterus pregnancy with a vaginal delivery, which could be with or without an episiotomy repair.

Public Hospital Ward A(unsubsidised) Ward B2 (subsidised)
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, KKH S$5,416 S$1,920

National University Hospital, NUH

S$5,341 S$1,253
Singapore General Hospital, SGH S$5,059 S$1,844

Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore

Private hospitals delivery fees Singapore

As for private hospitals, you can expect the following in terms of the delivery cost Singapore has. The same delivery conditions were applied as for the public hospital quotes above - 75% of patients who went through uterus pregnancy with a vaginal delivery, which could be with or without an episiotomy repair.

Private Hospital 1-bedded ward 2-bedded ward
Gleneagles Hospital, GEH S$12,503 S$9,897
Mount Alvernia Hospital,MAH S$10,439 S$8,315
Mount Elizabeth Hospital, MEH S$11,844 S$9,334
Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, MNH S$11,703 Not available
Parkway East Hospital, PEH S$9,184 S$7,057
Raffles Hospital, RH S$8,816 Not available
Thomson Medical Centre, TMC S$10,177 S$8,354

Room costs for government hospital, vaginal delivery

For government hospitals, you’d be able to select from 5 ward types - A, B1, B2, and C.

These are the differences between the quality of care from each ward and its respective pricing. 

Here is an example of costs per room you could expect from the Singapore General Hospital:

Ward type Benefits Cost per room (per day)
A Single room with en-suite bathroom, fully automated electric bed, sleeper unit for accompanying adult, toiletries, tv, telephone, meal choices available From S$626.75
B1 4 beds per room, attached bathroom and en suite toilet, semi-automated electric bed, TV, meal choices available From S$312.07
B2 6 beds per room and a semi-automated electric bed From S$57
C 8 beds per room From S$40.70

Comparing the cost of a caesarean delivery - government vs private hospital

Caesarean delivery will cost much more than normal delivery because it is a serious surgical procedure and you may take a longer time to heal. Typically, you must stay in the ward up to 3 to 4 days after a Caesarean procedure for further check-ups.

On the higher end, this is what you could expect in terms of caesarean delivery cost Singapore from Private and Public hospitals. 

Hospital Ward Type Number of Days Cost (high)
KKH (Government) A 3 S$9,146
NUH (Government) A 3 S$7,040
SGH (Government) A 4 S$9,311
Gleneagles (Private) 2-bedded 3 S$15,932
Thomson Medical (Private) 2-bedded 3 S$10,651
Parkway East (Private) 2-bedded 3 S$12,100

Table: Ministry of Health

*all prices quoted are correct at time of writing

As a pregnant mom, you’d want to ensure that you and your baby are covered every step of the way, even during the pregnancy stage.

There are two maternity insurance plans in particular that can help you during your pregnancy journey.

Maternity 360 

Maternity 360 comes with a one-off premium payment, yet its coverage extends up to the third year of the child being born.

As a mother, you’ll be covered for up to 10 pregnancy complication types, including amniotic fluid embolism, ectopic pregnancies, still birth, pre-eclampsia or eclampsia and acute fatty liver of pregnancy.

You’ll also receive hospital care benefits, including covers for pulmonary embolism, septic pelvic thrombophlebitis, surgical site infection that followed due to a caesarean surgery and uterine infection or transfusion due to retained placenta following the childbirth.

When your child is born, Maternity 360 also covers him or her for congenital illnesses1

Also, should you2 or your child3 require hospitalisation for any insured causes, you’ll receive 1% of the sum assured per day, for up to 30 days.

This plan is available for purchase for pregnant moms in weeks 13-35.

Enhanced IncomeShield

This is an Integrated Shield Plan that enhances your MediShield Life coverage. Enhanced IncomeShield provides health coverage and you can pay for premiums using up to $900 (per insured person per year) from your MediSave account.

Enhanced IncomeShield enhances your MediShield Life coverage in four ways:

  • Increase your policy’s yearly claimable amount from $150,000 (with MediShield Life) to $1,500,000
  • Choice to upgrade your ward entitlement up to a private hospital with 1-bedded room (generally felt to be more comfortable
  • Enjoy as-charged coverage for eligible inpatient4 and outpatient4 hospital treatment expenses
  • Pay for premiums using up to $900 (per insured person per year) from your MediSave account
  • Reimburse for emergency inpatient hospital treatment expenses4 while overseas.

On top of that, you’d also have access to a panel of trusted medical specialists, practitioners and preferred partners for your medical care. 

There are three plans under Enhanced IncomeShield: Basic, Advantage and Preferred. In terms of ward entitlement and policy year limit, here’s what you can expect from the three tiers.

Enhanced IncomeShield Plan Preferred Advantage Basic
Ward Entitlement $1,500,000 $500,000 $250,000
Policy Year Limit Standard room in private hospital or private medical institution Restructured hospital for ward class A and below Restructured hospital for ward class B1 and below

If you are a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident, you can apply for Enhanced IncomeShield online. Get a quote here.


After you’ve checked out of the hospital and reached your home, it’s time to settle into the confinement period, where you learn to live with your newborn and your baby learns to experience the new world it’s in.

Confinement Nannies

This is no easy feat, and sometimes, getting help from a confinement lady during your first month could be a gargantuan help. To tide this period over with extra help from a confinement nanny, you’d need to budget at least S$3,000 for a month.

What you’d get in value for your money?

Help to cook nourishing food for you, someone to care for your baby while you get that much-needed rest, and household chores out of your sight. Prices can go up to S$4,000, and this depends on whether you hire a freelance, live-in, or part-time confinement lady.

Post-Natal Massages

Many moms out there swear by the benefits of post-natal massages, as they are able to navigate the aches and pains better and even regain their figure from the nurturing body presses that come their way.

It could cost you about S$100 for a solid 60-minute massage, but in the long run, your body (and your mind) will thank you for it.

There are a lot of things to consider and prepare during pregnancy. Raising a child is for life and having good financial planning will make the journey more enjoyable. Read more about how to get your family's finances in order. 


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