
10 Signs You Know You're #Adulting Right

byTrent Davis
  • May 03, 2018
  • 6 mins

Adulthood can be a terrifying notion for the young-at-heart, and you might often wonder how your parents seemed to have it all figured out when they were your age. While you might still get excited about superheroes in spandex during your 20s and beyond, you might notice small changes in your lifestyle that lean towards a more structured, risk-averse lifestyle – the tell-tale signs becoming a grown-up. If you're doing any of the things below already, then you're well on your way to nailing #adulting – and, if you're not, strap yourself for a sobering dose of maturity.

1. You don't experience FOMO being at home on a Friday night – you're thrilled

The notion of spending the start of the weekend anywhere but in a pub or nightclub made you feel like a prisoner during your young adult years. However, with the demands of a steady-paying job, limited time for your friends and hobbies, and exorbitant cost of knocking back cocktails on a night on the town, the idea of getting cosy with some chums and catching up on the latest episode of Narcos doesn't sound all that bad. We say 'latest', because you simply don't have the time to binge-watch entire series anymore, now that you're a functioning member of society. 


2. You have one or more savings accounts – and there's money in them

Remember that sinking feeling when you'd make a withdrawal at an ATM, and your remaining balance could be represented by two digits? You learned the hard way, and you've since set up a savings account or two to deposit a portion of your salary into, ensuring you don't end a night out at a restaurant in the kitchen washing dishes. On the odd occasion you need to have some cash handy (which is rare since you started taking advantage of your various credit card points), there's no lingering panic at the balance figure when you collect your stack of notes.

3. You put everything in your calendar – even the fun stuff

Younger you liked to keep things free-and-easy, and the words "fashionably late" made a far too regular appearance in your vocabulary. Once the 9-to-5 came along and you learned that there's nothing fashionable about standing up a client, you're now meticulous in keeping track of your weekly schedule – perhaps even that of your partner or closest circle of friends, too. You now understand the value of time, so seeing a free day in your calendar to pen in a catch-up with your besties brings you unprecedented relief and joy.

4. You'd pick comfort over fashion in a heartbeat

While squeezing into an outfit that clearly wasn't designed for humans was your previous idea of a knockout wardrobe, the sore back and swelling feet just don't seem to make sense anymore. What's more, you know what outfits best contour and compliment your figure, and you're loving the freedom of not having to mess around with your threads when you should be enjoying yourself. You cringe when you see people pulling down dresses and stumbling in ill-fitting heels, and you feel compelled to show them the light of dressing comfortably.

5. You've learned to embrace routine

We've all been through getting into the mindset of preparing for the week ahead, only to let one little slip send the whole programme crashing down: weekly work-outs become monthly, clean-eating days become rarities, dirty laundry dies an unfortunate, moth-eaten death. Although being a student somewhat gave you a license for irregularity, you no longer find unpredictable lifestyles charming, and you like having structure to make the most out of your time. Batch-cooking is more of a must than a distant dream now, and you're loving having food ready in the fridge for speedy post-exercise replenishment.

6. You'd take a single malt or fine wine over a beer tower any day

Peaty and mouth-coating? Full-bodied and oaked? These are terms you're proud to understand, and might even request at a bar, when it comes to an after-hours tipple. Thinking back on your student years, you're not quite sure how you managed to consume three litres of lager in a single sitting – but you have no intention to see if your stomach is still up for the task. Moderation is your friend, and a glass of whisky or wine over an engaging conversation is how you'd prefer to spend your downtime, rather than nursing a hangover.

7. You check the papers for property and COE prices instead of shopping deals

You may have picked up a newspaper if you saw one lying around, only to immediately flip through straight to the sales pages or comic strips. Nowadays, your attention is focused on the business section after digesting the day's headlines. You keep close watch of the fluctuations in the property market to calculate a good time to purchase a rental property, and you want to know when the COE prices drop to get you one step closer to owning your dream luxury car. On the off chance you have time to spare, you might browse the best deals on microwaves before putting the paper down.

8. You've learned the difference between what is and isn't taxable income

No more head-scratching at the end of the financial year! All those numbers, forms and legal jargon that used to leave you with crippling self-doubt now seem surprisingly straightforward. You can confidently declare the difference between taxable obligations like your income, dividends and interest, and capital gains from personal investments that are exempt from tax, such as shares or insurance policy payouts. Better yet, you understand your entitlements to deductions and rebates that reduce the amount of tax you pay. Maybe IRAS isn't so scary after all.

9. You've taken an interest in investments

Perhaps you started off by stockpiling limited edition sneakers or rare vinyl records to get your retirement fund started. Now that you're older and wiser – and have also realised that anything over a couple of hundred dollars is far too much for a pair of sneakers – you're ready to up the stakes on your passive income. You're ready to make adult decisions in uncertain situations – like whether you should make long-term investments in a blue chip company to slowly grow your wealth, or take advantage of a fall in Bitcoin prices – and worrying about which shoe colour-way to snap up seems trivial by comparison.

10. You make appointments for everything

The only appointment you made when you were younger (albeit hesitantly) was your all-too-infrequent visits to the dentist. As well as enjoying your set of pearly whites and knowing that they should be checked every six months, not years, you find yourself making regular appointments for the things that matter – reassessing your health insurance, networking to keep your career options open, getting that suspicious mole checked once a year. Your time is precious, so you make it a point to plan for all the things that don't go to plan.

While you've got plenty of drive and ambition in you, sorting out a rock-solid retirement plan early will allow you to enjoy your twilight years without sudden stressors. Income's Gro Retire Flex Pro plan provides one such way to future-proof against life's unpredictable curveballs. 

Start your #adulting journey with Gro Retire Flex Pro today, now available online. If you're not sure if this is the right plan for you, chat with an advisor today for a better idea on what plans may suit you best. 

Tags: Adulting

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