Enjoy high levels of cancer coverage^

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Important Announcements

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(I) Benefit enhancements to Enhanced IncomeShield (EIS)

Our IncomeShield health insurance plans are designed to provide our customers with sustainable protection that meets their long-term healthcare needs. To do this, we annually review our scope of coverage to ensure that it keeps pace with the needs of our policyholders and medical advancements. From 1 September 2024, upon renewal of the policy, the following benefits will have increased limits:

a) Increased outpatient cancer drug treatment and cancer drug services benefit limits for one primary cancer for Enhanced Advantage, Enhanced Basic and Enhanced C plans.

b) Increased outpatient cancer drug treatment and cancer drug services benefit limits for multiple primary cancers for all EIS plans. (The term ‘multiple primary cancers’ is defined as two or more cancers arising from different sites and are of a different histology or morphology group.)

c) Increased inpatient psychiatric treatment benefit limits for all EIS plans.


(II) Benefit enhancements to Deluxe Care rider and Classic Care rider

We will also be enhancing the following benefits for your rider from 1 September 2024 to supplement your coverage on outpatient cancer drug treatments:

a) Increased additional cancer drug treatment benefit limits for one primary cancer for all riders attached to EIS plans.

b) Increased additional cancer drug treatment benefit limits for multiple primary cancers for all riders attached to EIS plans.


(III) New Welcome Discount for Enhanced IncomeShield, Deluxe Care rider and Classic Care rider (for new applications only)

From 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025, a one-time 20% Welcome Discount will be applicable to the first-year premium for any new application for Enhanced Preferred, Enhanced Advantage, Enhanced Basic, Deluxe Care rider and Classic Care rider if there is no additional exclusion or premium loading applied to the policy upon policy issuance.

The Welcome Discount is applicable to the premium payable for additional private insurance coverage portion (does not include the MediShield Life (MSHL) portion) of the main plans and the entire premium for the riders, if the rider is taken up together with the main plan at the same time.

Click here to view the policy and rider benefit limits under each of the above benefits. Please refer to your policy conditions for the precise terms, conditions and exclusions of the respective benefits.

Click here for the full Welcome Discount terms and conditions.

For more information, please read our FAQs here.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has developed a Cancer Drug List (CDL) comprising clinically proven and more cost-effective cancer treatments. From 1 September 2022, MediShield Life (MSHL) and MediSave (MSV) will only cover treatments on the CDL. For all Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), the CDL will take effect from 1 April 2023, upon the renewal of your policy. Customers with riders can claim for selected cancer drug treatments beyond the CDL.

Upon renewal of your policy, the outpatient Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy benefit will be replaced with a new outpatient Cancer Drug Treatment benefit and Cancer Drug Services benefit:

  • Cancer Drug Treatment benefit – Only outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL will be claimable under your Policy, up to the treatment-specific benefit limits. Selected outpatient cancer drug treatments beyond the CDL will be claimable under riders. If you require cancer treatment following the changes, please consult your doctor early on whether your treatment is on the CDL.
  • Cancer Drug Services benefit – Services that are part of any outpatient cancer drug treatment (including services for treatments not on the CDL), such as consultations, scans, lab investigations, treatment preparation and administration, supportive care drugs and blood transfusions, will be claimable under the Cancer Drug Services benefit, up to specified benefit limits.

We will also be introducing a new Additional Cancer Drug Treatment benefit for your rider from 1 April 2023 to supplement your coverage on outpatient cancer drug treatments:

  • Additional Cancer Drug Treatment benefit – Outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL, and non-CDL treatments under drug classes A to E, will be claimable under your rider, up to the treatment-specific benefit limits for CDL treatments and monthly limits for non-CDL treatments. A co-payment is payable for each claim, and it will vary according to the type of cancer drug treatment.

On CDL: For outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL, the rider benefit limit will be an additional 200% of your respective Policy benefit limit on Cancer Drug Treatment. This rider benefit limit will be on top of your respective Policy benefit limit on Cancer Drug Treatment. The co-payment based on your rider will apply. For treatment provided by our panel or extended panel, the co-payment limit will be up to $3,000 for each policy year. 

On non-CDL under drug classes from A to E: For outpatient cancer drug treatments classified as non-CDL under drug classes A to E, the rider benefit limit will be up to $15,000 (each month), according to your respective Policy. The co-payment based on your rider will apply and it will not have any co-payment limit.

Click here to view the Policy and rider benefit limits and coverage under each of the above benefits.

To view a sample of our one time communication letter for Enhanced IncomeShield and Deluxe Care Rider, click here; for Enhanced IncomeShield and Classic Care Rider, click here.

For more information, please read our FAQs here.

From 1 Sep 2022, MediShield Life will shift to cover a Cancer Drug List (CDL) of clinically proven and more cost-effective outpatient cancer drug treatments. This will help ensure greater affordability of cancer treatments and insurance in the longer term.

Prior to 1 Sep 2022, patients could claim up to $3,000 per month under MediShield Life for all outpatient cancer drug treatments and related services. From 1 Sep 2022, the claim limits will range from $200 to $9,600 per month depending on the cancer drug treatment. An additional $3,600 per year is claimable for cancer drug services.

All Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) will also follow the CDL and introduce claim limits, when policyholders purchase or renew their policies from 1 April 2023. IPs will not cover treatments not on the CDL. Riders will cover selected treatments not on the CDL, to varying extents. More details on IP and rider coverage of cancer drug treatments and services have been shared with policyholders in end 2022.

For more information, visit MOH’s website here.

Did you know

Enhance your MediShield Life coverage with Enhanced IncomeShield

Enjoy high levels of coverage with these benefits

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For a more detailed look at what you are covered for, you may view the full coverage table here.

If you are a Singaporean Citizen or Permanent Resident, you may apply for this plan online.

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Your policy toolkit.

To apply or upgrade to Enhanced IncomeShield, the last entry age is 75 (based on the insured's age next birthday). 

To apply for Deluxe Care Rider or Classic Care Rider, the last entry age is 75 (based on the insured's age next birthday). The plan selected for the Deluxe Care Rider or Classic Care Rider must be the same as your Enhanced IncomeShield plan.

You need to make payment every year.

View full premium table for Main Plan

View full premium table for Deluxe Care Rider

View full premium table for Classic Care Rider

You may refer to MOH’s website for a comparison of Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) across all insurers, including the estimated premiums you have to pay for an IP over your lifetime.

Learn more about the drivers of premium here.

Your queries answered.

Classic Care Rider is a rider attached that covers the deductible and co-insurance parts of your Enhanced IncomeShield plans.

Classic Care Rider is not available to Enhanced C policyholders. Should you have further queries, we would be most happy to assist you via your preferred mode of contact at income.com.sg/contact-us.

While this rider is in force, there is no deductible or co-insurance due under your policy. However, you will have to make a co-payment and an extended panel and non-panel payment (if it applies) for each claim.

The benefits are as shown in the table.

Benefits Classic Care Rider
Panel1 Extended Panel2 Non-panel3
Cover deductible and co-insurance


up to benefit limits

Co-payment 10% co-payment of the benefits due under your policy
Co-payment limit (each policy year) Up to $3,000 limit No limit
Extended Panel2 and Non-panel payment (each policy year) Not applicable Up to $2,000 limit
Additional Cancer Drug Treatment Benefit for Outpatient Treatments Treatment on CDL4 (each month)

One Primary Cancer:

Enhanced Preferred: 18x MSHL Limit

Enhanced Advantage: 18x MSHL Limit

Enhanced Basic: 10x MSHL Limit


Multiple Primary Cancers5:

The total of the highest limits among the covered cancer drug treatments received for each primary cancer

Non-CDL treatment6 (each month)

One Primary Cancer:

Enhanced Preferred: $15,000

Enhanced Advantage: $7,000

Enhanced Basic: $6,000


Multiple Primary Cancers5

Enhanced Preferred: $15,000 x number of primary cancers

Enhanced Advantage: $7,000 x number of primary cancers

Enhanced Basic: $6,000 x number of primary cancers

Treatment on CDL4 co-payment 10% co-payment of the benefits due under your rider
Up to $3,000 limit (each policy year) No limit
Non-CDL treatment6 co-payment 20% co-payment of the benefits due under your rider
No limit
Extra Bed Benefit Receive up to $80 each day (up to a maximum of 10 days each hospital stay) for the cost of an extra bed for you to sleep over if your insured child gets warded.

1Panel or preferred partner means a:

  • registered medical practitioner;
  • specialist;
  • hospital;
  • or medical institution;

approved by us. The lists of approved panels and preferred partners, which we may update from time to time, can be found at www.income.com.sg/specialist-panel. Our list of approved panels also includes all restructured hospitals, community hospitals and voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) dialysis centres.

2Extended panel means a registered medical practitioner or specialist approved by us to provide cover for the benefits under this rider. The registered medical practitioner or specialist must not also be on our lists of approved panels or preferred partners and must meet other criteria, including being on another Integrated Shield Plan provider’s panel list. The list of our approved extended panel can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. We may update this list from time to time.

3Non-panel means registered medical practitioners, specialists, hospitals or medical institutions that are not our panel1 or extended panel2.

4Cancer Drug List (CDL) means the list of clinically proven and more cost-effective cancer drug treatments on the MOH website (go.gov.sg/moh-cancerdruglist). MOH may update the CDL from time to time.

5The term ‘multiple primary cancers’ is defined as two or more cancers arising from different sites and are of a different histology or morphology group. An application form for higher claim limits for the insured receiving treatment for multiple primary cancers is to be sent to Income Insurance and MOH by their registered medical practitioner for assessment of the Integrated Shield Plan and MediShield Life Plan coverage, respectively.

6For outpatient cancer drug treatments not on the CDL, Income Insurance covers only treatments with drug classes A to E (according to LIA’s Non-CDL Classification Framework). Refer to lia.org.sg/media/3553/non-cdl-classification-framework.pdf for more details. LIA may update the list from time to time.

If the treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, the co-payment limit per policy year is up to $3000.                                                

If you are claiming for pre-hospitalisation treatment, post-hospitalisation treatment or special benefits (if covered), we will not apply the co-payment limit if the treatment during the insured’s stay in hospital is not provided by our panel1 or extended panel2.

If you are claiming for consultation fees, medicines, examinations or tests for the main outpatient hospital treatment that is covered under your policy, we will apply the co-payment limit only if the main outpatient hospital treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2.

For each claim that meets the limits on special benefits (if they apply) or the limit for each policy year of your policy, the co-payment for that claim will not count towards the co-payment limit of $3,000 for each policy year.

When the insured is under the care of more than one registered medical practitioner or specialist for their stay in hospital or the main outpatient hospital treatment under your policy, we will apply the co-payment limit as long as the main treating registered medical practitioner or specialist (shown in the hospital records as the principal doctor) is part of our panel1 or extended panel2.

For each stay in hospital of 12 months or less, where the treatment is provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, you must pay the co-payment (up to a maximum of $3,000) for one policy year (even if the stay in hospital runs into the next policy year). If the stay in hospital is for a continuous period of more than 12 months but less than 24 months, you must also pay up to the maximum co-payment for the next policy year. And, for each further period of 12 months or less that the stay in hospital extends for, you must pay the co-payment for one extra policy year.

1Panel or preferred partner means a:

  • registered medical practitioner;
  • specialist;
  • hospital;
  • or medical institution;

approved by us. The lists of approved panels and preferred partners, which we may update from time to time, can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. Our list of approved panels also includes all restructured hospitals, community hospitals and voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) dialysis centres.

2Extended panel means a registered medical practitioner or specialist approved by us to provide cover for the benefits under this rider. The registered medical practitioner or specialist must not also be on our lists of approved panels or preferred partners and must meet other criteria, including being on another Integrated Shield Plan provider’s panel list. The list of our approved extended panel can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. We may update this list from time to time.

If the treatment is on the Cancer Drug List (CDL)3 and provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, you will have to make a co-payment of 10% of the benefits due under the rider. The co-payment limit per policy year is up to $3000.

If the treatment is on the CDL3 but is not provided by our panel1 or extended panel2, you will have to make a co-payment of 10% of the benefits due under the rider. There will not be a co-payment limit.

If the treatment is not on the CDL3, you will have to make a co-payment of 20% of the benefits due under the rider.

1Panel or preferred partner means a:

  • registered medical practitioner;
  • specialist;
  • hospital;
  • or medical institution;

approved by us. The lists of approved panels and preferred partners, which we may update from time to time, can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. Our list of approved panels also includes all restructured hospitals, community hospitals and voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) dialysis centres.

2Extended panel means a registered medical practitioner or specialist approved by us to provide cover for the benefits under this rider. The registered medical practitioner or specialist must not also be on our lists of approved panels or preferred partners and must meet other criteria, including being on another Integrated Shield Plan provider’s panel list. The list of our approved extended panel can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. We may update this list from time to time.

3Cancer Drug List (CDL) means the list of clinically proven and more cost-effective cancer drug treatments on the MOH website (go.gov.sg/moh-cancerdruglist). MOH may update the CDL from time to time.

If the treatment during the insured’s stay in hospital is provided by a registered medical practitioner or specialist who is not from our panel1, or is from the extended panel2, you will have to make an extended panel and non-panel payment (ENP) of up to $2,000 per policy year for your claims for inpatient hospital treatment, pre-hospitalisation treatment, post-hospitalisation treatment or special benefits (if covered). You must pay the co-payment followed by the ENP. We will only pay the amount of your claim which is more than the total of the co-payment and the ENP.

When there is more than one treating registered medical practitioner or specialist for the insured’s stay in hospital, we will apply the ENP as long as the main treating registered medical practitioner or specialist (shown in the hospital records as the principal doctor) is not from our panel1 or is from the extended panel2.

For each stay in hospital of 12 months or less that is provided by a registered medical practitioner or specialist who is not from our panel1 or is from the extended panel2, you must pay the ENP of up to $2,000 for one policy year (even if the stay in hospital runs into the next policy year). If the stay in hospital is for a continuous period of more than 12 months but less than 24 months, you must also pay the ENP of up to $2,000 for the next policy year. And, for each further period of 12 months or less that the stay in hospital extends for, you must pay ENP of up to $2,000 for one extra policy year.

Panel or preferred partner means a:

  • registered medical practitioner;
  • specialist;
  • hospital;
  • or medical institution;

approved by us. The lists of approved panels and preferred partners, which we may update from time to time, can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. Our list of approved panels also includes all restructured hospitals, community hospitals and voluntary welfare organisations (VWO) dialysis centres.

2Extended panel means a registered medical practitioner or specialist approved by us to provide cover for the benefits under this rider. The registered medical practitioner or specialist must not also be on our lists of approved panels or preferred partners and must meet other criteria, including being on another Integrated Shield Plan provider’s panel list. The list of our approved extended panel can be found at income.com.sg/specialist-panel. We may update this list from time to time.

Your insured child must be age 18 or younger during the stay in hospital and the insured’s parent or guardian stayed and shared in the same room. We will pay up to 10 days for each stay in hospital. If the insured is in the hospital for only part of a day, we will pay half of this benefit for that day. You do not need to pay the co-payment or ENP if we pay this benefit.

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