Here’s what you get with Co-Pay Assist Plan.

Let us walk you through Co-Pay Assist Plan.

How much you need to pay.

The first year premium needs to be paid by cash or cheque before issuance of policy. Annual renewal premiums are to be paid via payroll deduction.

Age next birthday Annual premium rates
Ward entitlement per employee Ward entitlement per dependent
A B1 B2 C A B1 B2 C
<30 $14.25 $8.15 $3.05 $3.05 $36.65 $22.40 $7.15 $6.10
30-39 $20.35 $12.20 $5.10 $4.05 $55.00 $32.60 $11.20 $9.15
40-49 $28.50 $16.30 $6.10 $5.10 $73.35 $43.80 $14.25 $12.20
50-59 $49.90 $28.50 $11.20 $8.15 $128.35 $77.40 $25.45 $20.35
60-64 $92.70 $52.95 $20.35 $15.30 $238.35 $142.60 $47.90 $37.70
65-69 $128.35 $73.35 $27.50 $21.40 $330.05 $197.65 $66.20 $52.95
70-74 $156.90 $89.65 $33.60 $25.45 $403.40 $242.45 $80.50 $64.20
75-79 $206.80 $118.15 $44.80 $33.60 $531.75 $318.85 $105.95 $85.55
80 & Above $256.70 $146.70 $55.00 $41.75 $660.10 $396.25 $132.45 $105.95

For pensioners who are still eligible under the CCS, you have the option to arrange your annual premium payment to be paid via cash, cheque or GIRO.

Premium rates are not guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. Premium rates are inclusive of GST.

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Your policy toolkit.

  • You must be a public officer covered under the CCS.

The following are not covered under the Co-Pay Assist Plan:

  • Pre-existing condition for which medical treatment, diagnosis, prescribed drugs or consultation had been received 12 months prior to the cover start date of this policy
  • Dental expenses
  • Industrial accidents
  • Major psychiatric illnesses
  • Cosmetic surgery
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Self-inflicted injuries
  • Claims arising out of or relating to pregnancy or childbirth within 12 months from the insured’s cover start date of this policy
  • Claims in respect of accouchement charges
  • Any other medical expenses not covered by your employer

Your queries answered.

You can claim according to the following co-payment rates:

Ward Adjusted Co-Payments Rates
Entitlement Admitted to Policyholder Dependant
C B2 4.4% 11.7%
C B2+ 3.1% 8.3%
C B1 1.8% 5.0%
C A 1.3% 3.3%
B2 B2+ 5.3% 13.3%
B2 B1 3.1% 8.3%
B2 A 2.6% 6.7%
B1 A 5.7% 15.0%
As per plan eligibility / Downgrade of ward 7.5% 20.0%

Yes, any claims arising out of or relating to pregnancy or childbirth is claimable except for accouchement charges. This is provided that you have been insured under the Co-Pay Assist Plan for more than 12 months.

If there is a balance amount not payable by Co-Pay Assist Plan, you can submit a claim request for the remaining portion under another medical policy.

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