Here’s what the Group Personal Accident Insurance for Students offers.
Protection against accidental death and permanent total/partial disablement.
Coverage for inpatient and outpatient medical expenses.
Provides funeral benefit as well as coverage for temporary/permanent mobility aids, prosthesis, and other implants.
Hospitalisation allowance for each day of hospital stay overseas and upon returning to Singapore.
Take a closer look at what this plan covers.
Coverage amount overview
Permanent Disablement (including Second and Third Degree Burns): Up to 150% of Death Benefit (as per Schedules of Benefits in Tables 2-4)
Medical Expenses (sum of outpatient and inpatient medical expenses): Up to $13,000
Funeral Benefit: $5,000
Temporary/Permanent Mobility Aid, Prosthesis and Other Implants: Up to $5,000
Hospitalisation Allowance (overseas and upon return to Singapore): $50 per day of hospitalisation stay (up to a maximum of 50 days)
Medical expenses (sum of outpatient and inpatient medical expenses): Up to $13,000
- Outpatient expenses: Up to $2,150 with $400 sub-limit for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
For outpatient and follow-up medical treatments due to an accident including minor/day surgery at a clinic/hospital, physiotherapy at specialist outpatient clinics (SOC) in restructured hospitals or at any centres operated by the Singapore Sports Council, treatment by TCM practitioners and ambulance fees. - Inpatient expenses: Up to $10,850
For inpatient and follow-up treatments after hospitalisation due to an accident including daily room and board (including ICU), capped at $120 per day, in-hospital consultation and surgery expenses, for other hospital services (e.g. X-rays, MRI, prescription, medical supplies, operating theatre). - Reconstructive surgical expenses arising from an accident: Up to $13,000
For medical consultation, test, surgical procedure and medical treatment before/after the surgery. - Dental treatment expenses: Up to $4,000
For outpatient, inpatient and follow-up treatments due to an accident including minor/day surgery at a clinic or relevant hospital.
- First treatment must be sought within 30 days from date of accident.
- TCM Practitioners must be registered with the TCM Practitioners Board & possess a valid practicing certificate.
- Private physiotherapy treatments are not covered.
- Act of god/convulsion of nature
- Automatic additions, deletions & promotions
- Disappearance including disappearance resulting from an act of god or convulsion of nature. (Limit: within 365 days)
- Comatose state benefit (50% of Accidental Death benefit as an additional pay out; refer to Table 1)
- Drowning, suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes, gas
- Domestic and nursing assistance expenses (Limit: $1,000)
- Double indemnity for Accidental Death or Permanent and Total/Partial Disability whilst on a public conveyance or due to a natural catastrophe
- Exposure
- Food poisoning
- Hijack
- Murder and assault
- Motorcycling
- Strike, riots and civil commotion
- Terrorism including losses caused by terrorist attacks by nuclear, chemical and/or biological substances
- Trauma counselling, psychiatric and psychological treatment fees (Limit: $1,000)
- Injury, illness, disease or death resulting from complications or related to attacks by venomous or disease transmitting insects, reptiles, amphibians, sea creatures and animals
- Competitive Sports and Activities of Higher Risks
- “Infectious disease” under the Infectious Diseases Act 1976 due to and arising from exposure in the insured’s school premises or during any school-related activity, whether in Singapore or elsewhere
- Claims arising directly or indirectly or in consequence of invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, acts of terrorism, civil war, civil unrest, civil commotion, strike, riot, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, military coup or other usurpation of power, confiscation, detention, nationalization, requisition, martial law or state of siege or any events or causes which result in the proclamation or maintenance of martial law or state of siege
- Heat related injuries (heat stroke and heat exhaustion)
Duration of Comatose | Schedule of Benefits |
At least 3 months | 25% of Comatose state benefit |
At least 6 months | 50% of Comatose state benefit |
At least 9 months | 75% of Comatose state benefit |
At least 12 months | 100% of Comatose state benefit |
Looking to submit a claim?
Your queries answered.
In the event that the bill has been fully settled under another medical plan, you will not be able to claim under your GPA Insurance Plan for Student. However, if the bill is only partially settled, you can claim for the remaining amount or up to the policy limit as specified under your policy, whichever is lower. A copy of the settlement letter from the other insurer is required.
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Important Notes
This is for general information only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation, solicitation or advice to buy or sell any product(s). The terms, conditions and exclusions of Group Personal Accident Insurance for Students are found in the master policy contract.
This policy is protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact Income Insurance or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC websites ( or or
Information is correct as at 1 July 2024.
Connect with your zone representatives
North | Alvin Tan | |
South | Edmund Tan | |
East | Su Yixi | |
West | Cary Pang | |
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