Enjoy hassle-free online application and get coverage for unexpected accidents with our Short-Term Group Personal Accident Insurance.

Here are some events[1] that we cover.

Overview of our plan’s coverage

Description Coverage
Territory Events organised in Singapore.
Duration of coverage
  • Up to 60 days.

  • Coverage starts:
  • (a) from the assembly / meet-up point as organised by the organiser;
  • (b) in the premises or venue of the event or activities organised by the organiser;
  • and shall end once the event or activities has completed.
Event types
  • • Indoor Events
  • • Outdoor Events
Extension of Cover
  • • Suffocation by smoke, poisonous fumes, gas and drowning
  • • Disappearance and exposure to natural elements
  • • Riot, strike, civil commotion, hijack, murder, and assault
  • • Pre-existing condition or physical defects that existed before start of policy
  • • Criminal act, provoked assault, intoxication, drugs, venereal disease, or physical defect or infirmity, pregnancy
  • • Taking part in flying or aerial activities except as a fare paying passenger
  • • Mountaineering, parachuting, underwater activities, professional sports, racing other than on foot and other hazardous sports
  • • Suicide, self-inflicted injuries or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane
  • • Hazardous activities
  • • Injury arising from flames, fireworks or any other pyrotechnic driven effects during the activities or event organised

  • For full list of exclusions, please refer to the policy contract.

How much you need to pay.

Premium starting from $523.20

Premium rate is inclusive of 9% GST, non-guaranteed and may be reviewed from time to time. 
Payment must be made before commencement date of event or activities.

Who is this for.

For event[1] attendees from age 30 days old to 80 years old.


Your queries answered.

For event or activities organised in different dates within a month or period, please purchase the policy separately to cover different dates for the intended insured members.

No backdating of commencement date is allowed.

Please write in to bix@income.com.sg with your policy number 3 days prior to the commencement of the event. Premium rates may change depending on the event type and venue.

There is no renewal for this product.

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