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This plan has been withdrawn from new policies as of 23 January 2013. This plan is not available for upgrade or downgrade as of 1 March 2019. Only Change of Plan corresponding to the nationality is allowed.

If you are looking for a medical insurance plan, consider our Enhanced IncomeShield Plan or IncomeShield Standard Plan which are available for purchase.

Important Announcements

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(I) Benefit enhancements to IncomeShield (IS)

Our IncomeShield health insurance plans are designed to provide our customers with sustainable protection that meets their long-term healthcare needs. To do this, we annually review our scope of coverage to ensure that it keeps pace with the needs of our policyholders and medical advancements. From 1 September 2024, upon renewal of the policy, the following benefits will have increased limits:

a) Increased outpatient cancer drug treatment and cancer drug services benefit limits for one primary cancer for all IS plans.

b) Increased outpatient cancer drug treatment and cancer drug services benefit limits for multiple primary cancers for all IS plans. (The term ‘multiple primary cancers’ is defined as two or more cancers arising from different sites and are of a different histology or morphology group.)

c) Increased inpatient psychiatric treatment benefit limits for all IS plans.


(II) Benefit enhancements to Deluxe Care rider and Classic Care rider

We will also be enhancing the following benefits for your rider from 1 September 2024 to supplement your coverage on outpatient cancer drug treatments:

a) Increased additional cancer drug treatment benefit limits for one primary cancer for all riders attached to IS plans.

b) Increased additional cancer drug treatment benefit limits for multiple primary cancers for all riders attached to IS plans.

Click here to view the policy and rider benefit limits under each of the above benefits. Please refer to your policy conditions for the precise terms, conditions and exclusions of the respective benefits.

For more information, please read our FAQs here.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has developed a Cancer Drug List (CDL) comprising clinically proven and more cost-effective cancer treatments. From 1 September 2022, MediShield Life (MSHL) and MediSave (MSV) will only cover treatments on the CDL. For all Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), the CDL will take effect from 1 April 2023, upon the renewal of your policy. Customers with riders can claim for selected cancer drug treatments beyond the CDL.

Upon renewal of your policy, the outpatient Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy benefit will be replaced with a new outpatient Cancer Drug Treatment benefit and Cancer Drug Services benefit:

  • Cancer Drug Treatment benefit – Only outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL will be claimable under your Policy, up to the treatment-specific benefit limits. Selected outpatient cancer drug treatments beyond the CDL will be claimable under riders. If you require cancer treatment following the changes, please consult your doctor early on whether your treatment is on the CDL.
  • Cancer Drug Services benefit – Services that are part of any outpatient cancer drug treatment (including services for treatments not on the CDL), such as consultations, scans, lab investigations, treatment preparation and administration, supportive care drugs and blood transfusions, will be claimable under the Cancer Drug Services benefit, up to specified benefit limits.

We will also be introducing a new Additional Cancer Drug Treatment benefit for your rider from 1 April 2023 to supplement your coverage on outpatient cancer drug treatments:

  • Additional Cancer Drug Treatment benefit – Outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL, and non-CDL treatments under drug classes A to E, will be claimable under your rider, up to the treatment-specific benefit limits for CDL treatments and monthly limits for non-CDL treatments. A co-payment is payable for each claim, and it will vary according to the type of cancer drug treatment.

On CDL: For outpatient cancer drug treatments on the CDL, the rider benefit limit will be an additional 200% of your respective Policy benefit limit on Cancer Drug Treatment. This rider benefit limit will be on top of your respective Policy benefit limit on Cancer Drug Treatment. The co-payment based on your rider will apply. For treatment provided by our panel or extended panel, the co-payment limit will be up to $3,000 for each policy year. 

On non-CDL under drug classes from A to E: For outpatient cancer drug treatments classified as non-CDL under drug classes A to E, the rider benefit limit will be up to $4,000 (each month), according to your respective Policy. The co-payment based on your rider will apply and it will not have any co-payment limit.

Click here to view the Policy and rider benefit limits and coverage under each of the above benefit.

To view a sample of our one time communication letter, click here.

For more information, please read our FAQs here.

From 1 Sep 2022, MediShield Life will shift to cover a Cancer Drug List (CDL) of clinically proven and more cost-effective outpatient cancer drug treatments. This will help ensure greater affordability of cancer treatments and insurance in the longer term.

Prior to 1 Sep 2022, patients could claim up to $3,000 per month under MediShield Life for all outpatient cancer drug treatments and related services. From 1 Sep 2022, the claim limits will range from $200 to $9,600 per month depending on the cancer drug treatment. An additional $3,600 per year is claimable for cancer drug services.

All Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) will also follow the CDL and introduce claim limits, when policyholders purchase or renew their policies from 1 April 2023. IPs will not cover treatments not on the CDL. Riders will cover selected treatments not on the CDL, to varying extents. More details on IP and rider coverage of cancer drug treatments and services have been shared with policyholders in end 2022.

For more information, visit MOH’s website here.

Here’s how IncomeShield complements your MediShield Life coverage.

Enjoy these additional benefits

For a more detailed look at what you are covered for, you may view the full coverage table here.

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Your policy toolkit.

IncomeShield is no longer available for new applications, upgrades or downgrades. Only Change of Plan corresponding to the nationality is allowed.

You need to make payment every year.

View full premium table for Main Plan

View full premium table for Deluxe Care Rider

View full premium table for Classic Care Rider

Learn more about the drivers of premium here.

Your queries answered.

MediShield Life is a compulsory national health insurance for all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents providing better protection than MediShield.

MediShield Life offers:

  • Better protection and higher payouts, so that patients pay less MediSave/cash for large bills
  • For All Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents, including the very elderly and those who have pre-existing illnesses
  • For Life

An Integrated Shield Plan (IP) consists of two parts – the MediShield Life portion which is managed by the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board and an additional private insurance coverage portion offered by a private insurer.

The MediShield Life portion is designed for Class B2/C wards stays in restructured hospitals. The additional insurance coverage offered by the private insurer will increase your level of protection beyond medical care provided at Class B2/C wards in restructured hospitals.

IncomeShield are IPs offered by Income Insurance Limited (Income Insurance).

The MediShield Life portion is designed to cover treatment in Class B2/C wards in restructured hospitals and pays only up to MediShield Life benefit limits, when you stay in higher class wards in restructured hospitals or private hospitals. With lower or no government subsidies, treatments at higher class wards in restructured hospitals or private hospitals are more expensive.

IncomeShield helps to provide Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who wish to stay in higher ward classes with additional coverage so that policyholders can be more adequately protected.

IncomeShield also covers you for certain benefits that are not included under MediShield Life. This includes coverage for pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses, emergency overseas treatment, and the option to purchase riders to cover deductibles and co-insurance. With these benefits, IncomeShield takes care of your hospital and surgical expenses and provides you with peace of mind while you recuperate. With higher benefits, IncomeShield premiums are also higher than MediShield Life premiums.

We encourage you to decide on a plan that meets your needs, taking into consideration your preferred ward class and level of benefits, and affordability of premiums over the long-term.

There is no duplicate coverage between MediShield Life and IncomeShield.

Policyholders covered under IncomeShield will enjoy the combined benefits of MediShield Life which provides hospitalisation coverage targeted at Class B2/C wards and the additional private insurance coverage targeted at higher class wards in restructured or even private hospitals depending on your plan.

Your IncomeShield premium is made up of the MediShield Life premium and an additional private insurance coverage premium. Hence, you are not paying double premiums.

IncomeShield policyholders will receive the applicable MediShield Life subsidies for the MediShield Life portion.

MediShield Life is able to cover pre-existing conditions because the cost of providing such coverage is shared among those with pre-existing conditions, the community and the government, which bears the bulk of the costs (about 75%).

Unlike MediShield Life, private insurers are unable to provide cover for pre-existing conditions. Hence, these pre-existing conditions will continue to be excluded from the additional private insurance coverage portion under your IncomeShield.

Riders are not part of Integrated Shield Plans (IPs), as they are not approved by Ministry of Health (MOH) for MediSave use.

Riders are complementary products introduced by private insurers to cover the co-insurance and deductible portions of your bill when you make a claim under your Integrated Shield Plan (IP). Some riders also provide additional benefits when you are hospitalised. Please refer to the respective policy contract for more information.

As Riders are not MediSave-approved plans, policyholders will need to pay for them separately by cash.

With the launch of MediShield Life, there will be two parts to MediSave’s use for IP premiums.

  • The first part is for MediShield Life premiums which can be fully payable by MediSave.
  • The second part is called the Additional Withdrawal Limit (AWLs), which is the maximum MediSave limit that you can use for your IncomeShield’s additional private insurance coverage premiums.
  • If your additional private insurance coverage premium costs more than the AWL, you will have to pay the balance in cash. You can refer to the Cash Outlay indicated in your payment notice letter. With the new AWLs, Singaporeans will be able to use the same amount or more of their MediSave to pay the additional private insurance coverage component of their IP premiums than before. This is provided that there is no change in plans or age bands.
