Make your savings plus-sized with Gro Cash Plus

Why do you need Gro Cash Plus?

What does our plan offer?

Where can you get our plan?

Grow your savings with confidence through Gro Cash Plus

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Your policy toolkit.

Entry Age (Age Last Birthday)

Minimum Maximum 
Insured078 - Premium Term

Premium Term: 3 years

You can make your payments monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly.

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Your queries answered.

Gro Cash Plus is a regular premium whole-life plan with a policy term that lasts until the anniversary immediately after the original insured’s 120th birthday. The premium term available is 3 years.

We will start paying a cash benefit at the end of the premium term. A cash bonus may be payable on top of each cash benefit, by applying a bonus rate to the sum assured. We may or may not pay this cash bonus for each policy year. We will also pay a maturity benefit at the end of the policy term.

This plan provides protection against death and terminal illness of the insured during the policy term.  

Yes, there is guaranteed acceptance for this plan regardless of the insured’s health condition. However, financial underwriting is applicable.
