Secure your finances for your golden years with Gro Retire Flex Pro.

Find out how Gro Retire Flex Pro helps you achieve your dream retirement.

Receive protection as you save

The coverage[4] you will receive depends on when the death or terminal illness occurs:

During the accumulation period
  • - Receive 105% of all net premium(s) paid, or the guaranteed portion of the surrender cash value, whichever is higher, and
  • - 100% of the terminal bonus.
    During the payout period
    • - Receive 105% of all net premiums(s) paid, less all monthly cash benefits paid, except any cash benefit paid out under the Disability Care Benefit[5][7], or the guaranteed portion of the surrender cash value, whichever is higher, and
    • - 100% of terminal bonus, less all monthly cash bonuses paid.

    We will pay the cash value if it is higher than the benefit shown in the table above.

    Get up to 105% of all net premium(s)[5][6] on top of the death benefit in the event of accidental death (before the anniversary immediately after the insured reaches the age of 70).

    Coverage provided by the Accidental Death Benefit[5][6] will apply for regular premium policies only.

    You will receive additional coverage should you be diagnosed with any of these conditions due to accidental injury or sickness:
    • Loss of use of one limb
    • Loss of speech
    • Loss of sight of one eye
    • Loss of hearing
    The coverage offered depends on when the condition is diagnosed:

    During accumulation period Waiver of future premiums[9] Lump sum benefit[10] Additional amount[11] equal to 50% of the monthly cash benefit will be paid on top of each monthly cash benefit during the payout period or until the Gro Retire Flex Pro – Protection Benefit rider ends, whichever is earlier
    During payout period Additional amount[11] equal to 50% of the monthly cash benefit will be paid on top of each monthly cash benefit during payout period or until the Gro Retire Flex Pro – Protection Benefit rider ends, whichever is earlier

    Coverage provided by the Disability Care Benefit[5][7] will apply for regular premium policies only.

    Should you get retrenched and stay unemployed for 3 consecutive months, you do not have to pay premiums for your policy for 6 months with our Retrenchment Benefit[5][12]. You will still receive the same coverage during that time and have a peace of mind while looking for a new job. If you remain retrenched at the end of the 5th month when your premiums are waived, you can choose to defer[13] the payment of premiums for your policy for the next 6 months. This benefit is only applicable to regular premium policies.

    Retirement Dreams

    Watch this video as we explore the retirement dreams of Singaporean parents and reveal surprising truths.

    Let us walk you through Gro Retire Flex Pro.

    Find out how much you need to retire

    About you
    About you
    Your Retirement Needs
    Your Retirement Needs
    What you’ll need
    What you’ll need
    Are you ready?
    Are you ready?

    Tell us a little about yourself.

    Current age

    years old

    Ideal retirement age

    years old
    Your ideal retirement age should be higher than your current age.

    Side Banner Image

    Your policy toolkit.

    For policyholders

    Minimum entry age (last birthday)Maximum entry age (last birthday)
    16 ^N.A.

    For the insured

    Premium TermMinimum Entry Age(last birthday)Maximum Entry Age (last birthday)
    Single Premium2070
    5 years2065
    10 years2055
    15 years2050
    20 years2045
    25 years2040
    30 years2035
    35 years2030
    40 years2025

    ^Parents cannot take up policies on the lives of their children who are 18 years old (age last birthday) and above.

    For a choice of payout period till 100 years, it must fulfill the condition: Entry age (last birthday) + Selected accumulation period = 60 years and above

    You can make your payments monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly.

    Your queries answered.

    Gro Retire Flex Pro is a participating endowment1 plan specially designed for retirement planning. This policy is divided into 2 periods, i.e. an accumulation period and a payout period.

    This plan provides protection against death and terminal illness of the insured during the policy term.

    For regular premium policy, the compulsory rider – Gro Retire Flex Pro – Protection Benefit will be attached to this policy.

    1An endowment plan combines insurance protection with a savings element. A participating policy is entitled to share in the profits of the participating fund. These profits are distributed via bonus declarations and are payable upon maturity, surrender or when there is a claim.

    Yes, there is guaranteed acceptance for this plan regardless of the insured’s health condition. However, financial underwriting is applicable.

